> This is our tutorial:
> http://docs.sympy.org/tutorial.html
> Do you have some ideas how it could be improved?
OK.  That isn't too bad.  I think we should add a bit for people who  
are new to Python.  There seem to be quite a few people who use SymPy  
who have never used Python before.  In particular, maybe a list of  
some  Python "gotchas" and common pitfalls for people used to other  
computer algebra systems.  Here are some ideas, based on stuff that I  
have noticed:

1) = is not equals (use Eq, or set all expressions equal to 0
2) == compares exactly, not symbolically (is there a function that  
compares symbolically? I know you can do simplify(a-b) and see if it  
reduces to 0)
3) variable assignment does not place a relation on variables (this is  
already in the FAQ on the wiki)
4) no implied multiplications
5) use Rational instead of / to get symbolic fractions
6) basic use of [ and ( (There was a question about this in the list a  
while back)
7) exponents with ** (most people in other CAS's use ^)
8) asin, acos, etc. instead of arcsin

Also, the tutorial doesn't seem to mention using dir() to get a list  
of all functions and classes and help(func) to get help on a class.

Aaron Meurer

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