william ratcliff wrote:
> Hi!  My student, William Flynn, has been working a lot this summer 
> using sympy--thanks for all of the efforts on this project.   We're 
> doing some work in a windows environment and find that pretty printing 
> (to generate pngs) still has a problem.  Our hack at the moment is to 
> use the python subprocessing module to call latex and later run yap. 
>  We need to clean things up so that we check for existence of latex on 
> the user's machine, etc--but is this the approach that the community 
> would like to take?  We also considered tried to go the matplotlib 
> route to generate pngs, but ran into a problem with long equations 
> (which ironically, was a problem in latex as well).
> Also, we have some rather long expressions involving exponentials, 
> dirac delta functions, etc. and latex has difficulty breaking them up 
> automatically.  In the mathematical literature, it would seem that 
> people generally do this themselves using several 
> align statements.  One possibility that we are considering is breaking 
> up the expression by numbers of terms, but in sympy,
> is there an easy way to determine if for example a '+' sign is inside 
> of a function, or outside of a function?  Also, while this may work 
> for us, might some kind of "printing_strategies" class be useful, 
> which a user could subclass? 
> Cheers,
> William
> >
Look at the source code (latex_ex.py) for the extended latex printer in 
the geometric algebra directory (galgebra).  I already implemented the 
testing and calling of a latex dvi viewer in both linux and windows. 
Also look in the sympy docs at:


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