william ratcliff wrote:
> I just wanted to check--will the patches for noncommutative numbers be 
> included in this release?

No if you are asking for the patches on issue 

By the way, after the release I would like to start a discussion about 
the way we implement noncommutative multiplication, since it clashes a 
bit with the new assumption system. I'll send a long email explaining my 

> Thanks,
> William
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:16 AM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz 
> <mailto:ond...@certik.cz>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     SymPy was accepted both for the tutorial and a 40 min talk at the
>     SciPy 2009 conference:
>     http://conference.scipy.org/schedule
>     http://conference.scipy.org/abstract?id=3
>     I'll give the tutorial using sympy that is in all distributions/Sage,
>     e.g. 0.6.4, or even older, like 0.6.2 in EPD. However, the conference
>     is a good deadline to get some stuff done.
>     The absolute number one priority is:
>     * merge Fabian's assumptions branch and get rid of the old assumptions
>     if we didn't manage nothing else, we have to manage this, it's very,
>     very important.
>     Then the other top priorities are:
>     * merge the sympyx Python core
>     * start using Cython in pure python mode (all around sympy)
>     * merge Luke's trig branch (implements all kinds of simplifications to
>     all 24 trig and inverse trig functions,
>     sin/cos/tan/cot/sec/csc/asin/acos/atan/acot/asec/acsc, along with
>     hyperbolic versions of each, just like Mathematica). I also hope we
>     could implement some more advanced trig simplifications
>     * port to Python 3.0
>     And of course anything else, where you feel the most efficient. For
>     example Aaron is doing excellent progress with the Constant class and
>     ODE solvers. Chris just debugged a very nasty arithmetic
>     simplification bug and fixed it (it's already committed).
>     assumptions
>     -----------------
>     We'll start working on this with Fabian right after we release sympy
>     0.6.5 (hopefully tomorrow). Me and Fabian will put 100% of our efforts
>     to make this succeed.
>     sympyx
>     -----------
>     We did some work on that when Aaron visited me in Los Alamos and it
>     seems it will allow to implement Order, infinity and other things
>     outside the core, code is here (see also the handler branch):
>     http://github.com/certik/sympyx
>     python 3.0
>     ---------------
>     latest development on the python3.0 front is here:
>     http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=1262
>     There doesn't seem to be any showstoppers now, just dozens of little
>     things to fix. I believe anyone can finish it from this point on. :)
>     Cython
>     -----------
>     As to Cython, I was just about to say "Cython is still not ready yet"
>     when I noticed that Robert just fixed the showstopper bug:
>     http://codespeak.net/pipermail/cython-dev/2009-July/006360.html
>     I tested and it works! See here for a demo how the pure python mode
>     works (see the README):
>     http://github.com/certik/cython-test
>     Now this is very exciting --- we can now use Cython to speed up
>     critical parts of sympy and mpmath, and still remain pure Python. I
>     plan to setup additional buildbots, that take sympy, runs cython on it
>     and execute all tests. E.g. the same sympy tests will test both pure
>     Python sympy, and cythonized sympy.
>     Stuff like factorization of integers and similar things can be sped up
>     very easily a lot. The ultimate goal of course is to cythonize the
>     core classes, because they become  C structs and its virtually as fast
>     as ginac, if done with care. The sympyx has it, but it will take some
>     time to fully integrate it (it's easy to create a fast simple core,
>     but way more challenging to add all the special cases, like
>     assumptions, infinities, Order, ...). But we can (and will) start
>     using cython here and there now, setup all the infrustructure and
>     slowly start improving and experimenting with it. And then gradually
>     improve.
>     Ondrej
> > 


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