While finding eigenvalues for a matrix of mine, I ran into a
polynomial decompose error. It seems that when a polynomial has both a
cubic and quartic term and coefficients that consist of symbols,
factortools.py runs into trouble. To simplify the error, here is some
test code that throws the same error:

import sympy as sp

x = sp.Symbol('x')
z = sp.Symbol('z')
g = cos(z)*x**4 + x**3 + 1
res = sp.solve(g, x)
print res

which throws:

sympy.polys.polynomial.PolynomialError: Can't decompose cos(z)
File "C:\Documents and Settings\wflynn\My Documents\workspace\spinwaves
\spinwaves\cross_section\util\play.py", line 25, in <module>
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sympy\solvers\solvers.py", line
178, in solve
  result = roots(poly, cubics=True, quartics=True).keys()
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\rootfinding.py", line
290, in roots
  _, factors = poly_factors(f)
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\factortools.py", line
36, in poly_factors
  F = Poly(f, *symbols)
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\polynomial.py", line
389, in __new__
  terms = Poly._decompose(poly.as_basic(), *symbols)
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\polynomial.py", line
545, in _decompose
  raise PolynomialError("Can't decompose %s" % factor)

It seems to only fail when there is a quartic term, cubic term and
constant term. For example:

print res


[-1/cos(z), 0]


print res


[-(-1)**(3/4)*(1/cos(z))**(1/4), -(-1)**(1/4)*(1/cos(z))**(1/4), (-1)**
(3/4)*(1/cos(z))**(1/4), (-1)**(1/4)*(1/cos(z))**(1/4)]

Anyway, seems like the offending line is in factortools.py >
poly_factors(f, *symbols, **flags).

def poly_factors(f, *symbols, **flags):

        denom, F = f.as_integer()
    except CoefficientError:
        other = set([])

        for coeff in f.iter_coeffs():
            other |= coeff.atoms(Symbol)

>>>  symbols += sorted(other)

>>>  F = Poly(f, *symbols)
        denom, F = F.as_integer()

Here, symbol z is being added to the 'symbols' variable so then F
tries to decompose the coefficients with z in them as well.

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