
I really like Wolfram Alpha, so here is the first version of SymPy Gamma:


Couple things to try:


you can also use the notebook (click on the "Notebook" link) and play
with python + sympy (don't forget to import sympy first), without
having to log in. You can also click on the WolframAlpha link to
easily execute the same thing in wolfram alpha. The link to the source
code (BSD licensed, as always) is on the "About" page.

Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas how to make it
more usable, please share it!

My ideas so far:

1) each cell contains both sympy input and the output. Allow to
actually edit/modify the input and execute it (in the notebook style).
That way you start by entering "sin(x)" into sympy gamma, and then you
can very easily modify for example the limits of integration or the
point about which it is series expanded.

2) if you execute something hard, like sin(x)**x and let's say
integration fails, then it brings the whole request down. So each cell
should be evaluated using a special URL in the web app and then we
should use for example the app engine tasks for it

3) add links to our sphinx documentation for each function that is
being used (currently only diff, integrate and series, but there will
be a lot more, like terms rewriting stuff, polynomials, etc)

4) use pretty printing and jsmath to nicely show the output

5) plotting, using the flotr javascript library (that way we can use
it on the google app engine)

6) add some social features, like allow users to give feedback,
automatic determination if something fails and log it somewhere, there
should be some special page at sympy gamma that would show the errors
(e.g. integrate(...., x) fails).

7) allow sympy gamma to be easily embedded in webpages, e.g. just like
youtube videos etc (by adding two lines of javascript).

I would like SymPy Gamma to be a really easy way to start playing with
sympy, first by typing some expression, get lots of info about it
(e.g. some nice "input cells" ready to be modified), with links to
documentation and possibly other sites on the internet etc. Also I
would like it to be smoothly integrated with the web notebooks (e.g.
the Sage notebook/codenode/ maybe our own stuff, we'll see -- I don't
want to implement everything that Sage already has, like code
inspection etc., on the other hand I really like this essentially zero
barrier to start computing with sympy, or any other python library).


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