p.s. just remembering that you will always just get a single solution
for dy/dx so you can return the answer rather than a list. It can all
be encapsulated as:

def implicit_diff(eq, dep, ind):
    """Return d_dep/d_ind given eq(y) = 0

    >>> import sympy as s
    >>> s.var('x y')
    (x, y)
    >>> eq=s.sympify('x^2+y^2 - 36')
    >>> implicit_diff(eq, y, x)
    >>> -x/y
    f=sympy.Function('f', dummy=True)
    eq=eq.subs(dep, f(ind))
    return sympy.solve(eq.diff(ind), f(ind).diff(ind))[0].subs(f(ind),

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