Hi Mateusz,

I think I understand but ...

On Apr 19, 12:13 pm, Mateusz Paprocki <matt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> They look identical, but they're not. As you use F.as_dict(), then in
> both cases c_i are of type Integer. However, keys of _50 and _51 are
> different. In _50 M_i are tuples of Integer instances and in _51 they
> are tuples of ints. When you created a Matrix of FF then FF got sympified
> and all ints were converted to Integers. Poly, however, expects M_i to
> have int exponents. To solve this problem you can replace dict(M[0,0])
> with:
>  dict([ (map(int, monom), coeff) for monom, coeff in M[0,0] ])

this results in an error

In [12]: dict([ (map(int, monom), coeff) for monom, coeff in M[0,0] ])
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call

/tmp/mattpap-sympy-polys-cd30a32/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: list objects are unhashable

Maybe you meant something slightly different? Or is it another Python
2.5 vs 2.6 thing?


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