Le lundi 03 mai 2010 à 22:11 +0200, Sebastian a écrit :
> Thanks for all your comments, it's very helpful to get so thorough feedback.
> On 05/03/2010 06:21 PM, Ronan Lamy wrote:
> > Le dimanche 02 mai 2010 à 09:46 -0700, basti a écrit :
> >   
> >> The last few days I spent quite some time on understanding the pattern
> >> matching and substitution logic in sympy and trying out ideas to
> >> improve them. Now I feel able and willing to redesign most of the
> >> stuff and will in the following give an overview about my plans.
> >>
> >>     
> > Interesting read, which means I have a lot of comments. I don't agree
> > with everything you've written, but I hope we can integrate something
> > like this in the master docs.
> >
> > Matching
> > --------
> >
> > The way you handle functions seems inconsistent, which is probably
> > caused by the pervasive confusion in the current code between functions
> > (e.g. sin) and their results (e.g. sin(x)). Specifically, here are some
> > results I'd like to see:
> > match(x, f) -> {f: x}    (because Symbols are callable)
> >   
> Yes in the moment symbols are python callables but does this really make
> them functions? What's the sense of having both if they describe
> mathematically the same? So I disagree with this.

Symbols aren't functions, they *can be* anything, including functions.
We'll probably need to develop a real notion of mathematical types at
some point to model this properly, but in any case having objects that
can be anything seems inevitable in order to parse strings into

> > match(sin(x), f) -> None (because sin(x) is not a function)
> >   
> You are right - this makes more sense.
> > match(sin(x), f(u)) -> {f: sin, u: x}
> >   
> Of course ...
> > You don't tackle the major cause of unreliability in matching which is
> > finding all possible matches and ranking them. This is required not only
> > to get useful results (match(1+x**2, u+x**v) -> {u: x**2, v:0} is
> > correct but probably not what was expected) but also to get merely
> > correct ones when there are recursive calls to match.
> >   
> Yeah the implementation section is by far not completed. I've already
> more details written on paper which I'll add as soon as I find time.
> But to your concerns: I think it's not necessary to first find all
> possible solutions and then afterward rank them. It is possible to try
> the different combinations in such an order that as you say the
> "highest" ranked are tried first and if something matches it can be
> returned immediately.
> > but also to get merely
> > correct ones when there are recursive calls to match.
> Sorry I don't understand what you mean by this. Can you maybe give an example?

I'm thinking of something like match(sin(a+b)*cos(b), sin(u+v)*cos(u)):
suppose matching goes from left to right, you get {u:a, b:v} from the
first term, plug it into the second, failure!
> > The Hints idea suffers from combinatorial explosion.
> Why combinatorial explosion? The implementation complexity will grow
> linearly with the amount of hints as long as the extended matching rules
> don't have to be permutated (for all cases I considered until now there
> seemed to be only one sane ordering). Or do you mean something else?

I was thinking of (identity, commutative, ...) * (Add, Mul, ...), which
is only O(m*n) so perhaps not really an explosion. The other problem is
what do you do if you want to apply a different set of hints to
different parts of the expression.

> >  You've only
> > mentioned Add, Mul and Pow, what about And, Or, Xor, Equivalent? What
> > about more complex objects like Integral or Sum? 
> >   
> There will be a fallback matching function that will be called if two
> expressions are of the same type. They match only if all it's args are
> matching. Of course And, Or, Xor are special in that sense that they are
> symmetric functions. They can be handled like Sum. Maybe there should be
> an attribute is_symmetric or something similar so that this can handled
> more general?
> > How can this be
> > extended for user-defined classes?
> I guess similarly to the printing case. But you are right this is maybe
> the strongest point of having match and subs directly implemented as
> methods all around sympy.
> > Substitution
> > ------------
> >
> > I think that structural substitution should be a separate function, not
> > just a subroutine handling a special case in subs. This would be useful
> > for common subexpression elimination, at least.
> >   
> What do you understand under structural substitution? Do you mean what I
> called atomic substitution?

I mean substitution based on structural matching, so it's similar to
atomic substitution, but without the restriction that it only applies to
> > General remarks
> > ---------------
> >
> > You should take smaller steps but set more ambitious goals. Your design
> > isn't much different from the current one, so it'll suffer from the same
> > kind of problems. Try to forget the existing implementation and imagine
> > what the API should be and what results you expect.
> >   
> But I think the api is basically fine as it is now. The reason I started
> doing this is simply that I *didn't* get the results I was expecting.
> Therefore I wrote down the matching rules to clearly state what my
> expectations are and to find a common consent.
> > Don't base any work on commits that break tests. Good commits are easy
> > to understand, and therefore have a limited scope, and do not break any
> > tests. To merge the implementation of two functions, identify invariants
> > that link them, correct the situations where they break down, and then
> > factor out the duplications. Rinse and repeat as necessary. It might
> > seem more fastidious than doing the change you have in mind right away
> > and play whack-a-mole with the bugs that crop up, but it's usually
> > faster and easier that way.
> >   
> The implementation of subs and match by itself will be much easier to do
> without worrying about the old code and having to ensure after every
> commit that the old and the new algorithm interact perfectly. The
> question is if the final merging is then that much harder and I think it
> won't be. I succeeded in my "subs-first-try" branch to exactly do this
> and fixed most things in under a day. The problem was just that the
> matching algorithm was not good enough yet and I wanted to do it
> thoroughly from the beginning.

Define "succeeded", because under my definition you did not:
 tests finished: 1988 passed, 22 failed, 1 skipped, 51 expected to
2 expected to fail but passed, 27 exceptions, in 452.17 seconds 

> > You haven't made the case for implementing match and subs as functions
> > living in a separate module. The problems I see with this are that this
> > is a crucial piece of functionality that, intuitively, belongs in the
> > core and that extending the system seems more difficult with functions
> > than with methods.
> >   
> It's fine to me that subs stays in Basic but I'm strongly for putting
> match into some extra module (but also in the directory sympy/core!).

OK. I thought you wanted to create a new subpackage. If match becomes a
function, this is reasonable.

> Here are my reasons:
> (1) spreading complex code into many different places makes it much
> harder to understand th implementation.

OK, but spreading the implementation of a class into many different
places also makes it much harder to understand.
> (2) it's clear where to put common functionality, e.g. all symmetric
> functions will use (nearly) identical algorithms.

... which could fit nicely in operations.py, next to each other.
> (3) if I use hints in the implementation - and I plan to - then
> scattering them around will make it nearly impossible for the user to
> find out what hints there are and what they do. There are some possible
> solutions I can think of, but I don't like them too much.

Ordinary users don't read the source, so I don't think this matters
either way.
> Maybe some other people can comment on this?

I guess this comes down to a matter of taste (grouping by class vs by
functionality) and implementation practicality...

> > Many of the existing methods are in need of a good cleanup. I think you
> > should start with this. It'll simplify further work on the subject and
> > you'll gain a better understanding of the details of the system.
> >   
> I think it's easier to rewrite the code than changing the current
> implementation.

I guess the customary answer to this is "Famous last words..."

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