On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Scott <scotta_2...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Aaron
> Thanks for the tips.
> Where are the "issues" located?
> I am numerically evaluating x*cos(x)/sin(x) on [-pi/2,pi/2] and the
> spurious singularity at x= 0 is giving me grief. x/sin(x)=1 at x=0.
> After looking at my problem it seems that I should have asked if there
> is and efficient way to embed sin(x)/x or x/sin(x) in a function that
> is evaluated at 0. I will probably use a 7th order Taylor series
> unless there another clever option.
> The series for x/sin(x) has much better convergence than the series
> for x*cot(x) in my range of interest (+- pi/2).
> In [41]: (x/sin(x)).series(x, 0, 8)
> Out[41]: 1 + x**2/6 + 7*x**4/360 + 31*x**6/15120 + O(x**7)

SymPy is missing the sinc function. I created an issue:

If you want to have a go at implementing this function (it shouldn't be too
hard), see sympy/functions/elementary/trigonometric.py


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