Man, I'm late to this convo as I'm getting these emails all out of
thread order and at random times ... corporate filters rock.

On Jun 22, 12:25 am, William Ratcliff wrote:
> I would go with multiprocessing rather than multithreading--processes are
> "weightier" but there are no side effects....

To add on to this, if you're worried about performance, multi/
processing/ usually gets you farther with Python than threading.  The
reason is the Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), which is very much
oriented around a single thread mindset.  There was some work a couple
of years ago to try to remove it (and more work may be happening as we
speak, but I can't say), but the removal proved to be even more of a
performance drag for threaded applications.

If you'd like to "see" the performance degradation, write yourself a
multi-threaded and analogous multi-processes test application, and
time them with a standard utility (e.g. /usr/bin/time).  You should
note a *lot* more time spent doing system calls (i.e. pure overhead)
when using the threaded version as compared to the multiple processes

A further argument for multiple processes is that due to the nature of
unshared memory, you're forced into a (hopefully) more rigorous
passing of information which has huge potential to reduce bugs.

Please take all of the above with a grain of salt, and also recognize
that I'm *not* a Windows person: my analysis may be incorrect for that
platform (especially since I'm aware that new processes are *much*
heavier there than with, at least, Linux).

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