On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 7, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 11:55 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sep 5, 2010, at 8:26 PM, Aaron S. Meurer wrote:
>>>>> On Sep 5, 2010, at 8:21 PM, Aaron S. Meurer wrote:
>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2010, at 2:48 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 10:54 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 9:26 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I am not saying that we should move our issue tracker to GitHub (I 
>>>>>>>>>> would be opposed to doing that unless there were some way to import 
>>>>>>>>>> existing issues from Google Code, and even then only if it could be 
>>>>>>>>>> shown that it has all the already existing features plus more to 
>>>>>>>>>> make it worth it).
>>>>>>>>> I agree that we should keep the issues where they are. I meant that
>>>>>>>>> maybe we can use github for code reviews instead of sympy-patches.
>>>>>>>> Oh, OK.  Yes, let's try it.
>>>>>>> It's in, so now if you want to read the old revieew or comment on it
>>>>>>> (or reopen it), go to:
>>>>>>> http://github.com/sympy/sympy/pulls
>>>>>>> and click "Closed", or just go here directly:
>>>>>>> http://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/1
>>>>>>> Btw --- github automatically noticed, that I have pushed the patches
>>>>>>> in using "git push" and it closed the pull request. I am getting
>>>>>>> excited for this. :)
>>>>>>>>>> What I was saying is that there are 78 NeedsReview issues, and no 
>>>>>>>>>> way to tell which ones are ones that I have a branch up for.  I 
>>>>>>>>>> think if we just add the person's user name as a label to an issue 
>>>>>>>>>> whenever they add a patch/branch, it will make things easier (I 
>>>>>>>>>> would use Owner, but that is already used for other things, and can 
>>>>>>>>>> only have one person at a time).
>>>>>>>>>> Unless there are any opposed to this idea, I will go ahead and do it.
>>>>>>>>> Go ahead, that'd be awesome!
>>>>>>>> OK.  So from now on, whenever an issue has the NeedsReview tag or the 
>>>>>>>> PassedReview tag, add the Google Code username of the person who has 
>>>>>>>> the patch/branch for review to the issue.  It will warn you that you 
>>>>>>>> are using an uncommon label, but that is just because I don't want to 
>>>>>>>> add everyone's username as an official label.
>>>>>> So I did this.  Now all NeedsReview and PassedReview issues (hopefully) 
>>>>>> have the Google Code user name of each person who has a patch/branch for 
>>>>>> review as a comment on the issue.  Please do the same for any future 
>>>>>> issues for which you add this lable, and also please remove the username 
>>>>>> if you change NeedsReview to NeedsBetterPatch.
>>>>>> One note, Google Code will strip the @ from a username that is an email. 
>>>>>> So let's just agree to make the label for those users the username of 
>>>>>> the email (so instead of bob.sm...@example.com, just bob.smith).  The 
>>>>>> same I guess will work for users with obfuscated emails.
>>>>>> You can easily find the issues for each person by searching for 
>>>>>> "label:personname" in the issue tracker.
>>>>>> Here are some statistics from this.  The numbers for the people add up 
>>>>>> to more than the totals because some issues have more than one person 
>>>>>> who has submitted a patch:
>>>>>> Number of NeedsReview issues: 77
>>>>>> smichr: 42
>>>>>> mattpap: 22
>>>>>> asmeurer: 7
>>>>>> Ronan.Lamy: 3
>>>>>> jensen.oyvind: 3
>>>>>> nicolas.pourcelot: 2
>>>>>> Vinzent.Steinberg: 1
>>>>>> ondrej.certik: 1
>>>>>> felix.kaiser: 1
>>>>>> renato.coutinho: 1
>>>>>> torstenmarcoknodt: 1
>>>>>> chr.schubert: 1
>>>>>> Number of PassedReview issues: 8
>>>>>> Issues by person:
>>>>>> smichr: 6
>>>>>> asmeurer: 2
>>>>>> mattpap: 1
>>>>>> I'm not sure what is more embarrassing: 77 NeedsReview issues, many of 
>>>>>> which have had that label for months now, or 8 PassedReview issues. Some 
>>>>>> of these are part of larger branches, like polys11, but some are stand 
>>>>>> alone.  Let's push these in!
>>>>>> And getting back to the original thread, only one of my NeedsReview 
>>>>>> issues is for a patch that is separate from my integration3 branch, so I 
>>>>>> will add that as a pull request.
>>>>> OK, so when I click on "Pull Request" at GitHub, it wants to notify the 
>>>>> user certik (Ondrej) inserted of sympy, assumedly because my repository 
>>>>> is set as forked from certik instead of sympy.  Any idea how to work 
>>>>> around this?
>>>>> By the way, since certik isn't forked from anything (see 
>>>>> http://github.com/asmeurer/sympy/network/members) what happens when you 
>>>>> click on "Pull Request", Ondrej?
>>>>> Aaron Meurer
>>>> Never mind, I figured it out.  You just have to change the base commit of 
>>>> the comparison to sympy/sympy:master (click on the black commit indicator, 
>>>> or "Change Commits").
>>>> So now I've got a pull request in there, if anyone cares.
>>>> It doesn't seem to be possible to add a pull request for a single commit 
>>>> or small commit range within another branch because, even though you can 
>>>> do something like 5a25de2~3..5a25de2 (which is awesome, btw), it is will 
>>>> only send the request to the author of 5a25de2~3, which in this case is 
>>>> me.  I guess I need to go into the GitHub features request and request the 
>>>> ability to send the pull request to anybody.
>>> I noticed your pull request:
>>> http://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/3
>>> but I don't see it here:
>>> http://github.com/sympy/sympy/pulls
>>> is that a github bug, or did you close it?
>> Ah, if you click on the "closed" issues, I can see it. Maybe you
>> should reopen it? Or what is your aim with that.
>> Ondrej
> I see what happened.  When I added a comment, I clicked on "Comment & Close" 
> instead of just "Comment."  I didn't know what this meant (I thought "close" 
> meant close the window :).

Yes, my advisor also did this mistake. I think that github guys should
rename it, so I made it:



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