On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 4:36 AM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK.  I have made the change.  See https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/58.
> Some questions/concerns:
> - What is the purpose of the bottom imports (imports at the bottom of the 
> file) in some of the sympy/core files?  I moved the from sympify imports from 
> the bottom to the top, but left the rest alone because I didn't know why they 
> were there.

This is to avoid circular dependencies. Try to move it to top and run
tests and you'll see.

> - I have added SympifyError to the list of things imported with from sympy 
> import *.  Is this a good idea?  It wasn't imported before, but it seems to 
> me that you should have these errors in the namespace so that you can catch 
> them.
> - Can/should I add a test for the fact that stdlib_symbol is no longer in the 
> main namespace?  This isn't the first time we have had junk make its way into 
> the main namespace (see http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues/detail?id=1454).

I don't have an opinion. If you think it's worthy, then let's do it.

> - I inserted from sympy.parsing import * in a place where it seemed to work 
> in the main __init__.py, but I don't know if this order matters for things 
> other than the order that it has to work in.
> - Why do we import init_session and init_printing into the global namespace?

I think so that one can initialize such sessions in raw Python
interpreter. If you think these things don't belong there, feel free
not to import them any more.


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