> > I get the following log:
> [...]
> Yes, but for some reason, the log in the "out" directory is empty, or none.

Well, what I pasted above was taken from the log I found in out.

> I use the following code in sympy-bot to submit the report:
>     print "> Uploading test results"
>     s = cmd("other/pastebin.py %s/out/2* -n sympy-bot --public -e N" % \
>             tmpdir, capture=True)
>     url = s.split()[-1]
>     print "> Uploaded at: %s" % url
> so the file .../out/2* must exist. It'd be nice to make sympy-next
> generate a simple file as a report, not a filename as a date, since
> it's hard to read it from sympy-bot.

I'll try to extend sympy-next in the desired ways tonight.

As for html pasting, what about http://pastehtml.com/ ?

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