I extended sympy-next to do real option parsing. Here is the --help

usage: sympy-next.py <options>
       --help            -h  This message
       --verbose         -v  Enable verbose output
       --no-test         -n  Only recreate output
       --stamp=name      -s  Identifier for this run [generated from
       --logfile=name    -l  Name of logfile
       --branchfile=file -b  File to get branches from
       --outdir=dir      -o  Where to create output
       --command=cmd     -c  Command to run for testing
       --repo=dir        -r  Repository to use for testing

Ondrej: note that you can specify the logfile (I think you asked for
this). Also the log is now appended to the html created.
Aaron: is the --command switch enough to use tox? I suppose not if tox
tests several configurations at once. But I haven't actually looked at
it in detail.

I'm looking forward to see autogenerated reports on pastehtml :-).

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