I added my views there.


On Jun 2, 9:34 am, SherjilOzair <sherjiloz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I need review on this style for matrix groundtypes, i.e. having a list
> of builtin dtypes, and an other option for misc backends.
> Do you think the list of builtins is good enough ? Should I add/remove
> stuff ?
> The Matrix will still support seamlessness. I mean, if a Matrix of
> Ints comes up, and user wants to take its inverse, then the dtype will
> automatically be changed to Rational, and the inverse calculated in
> the Rational field. The original Matrix however would remain the same.
> (  In accordance to immutability).
> On Jun 2, 9:27 am, SherjilOzair <sherjiloz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > scipy.sparse implements a dtype kwarg argument, but which currently
> > cannot take in arbitrary unknown types though.
> > One thing that can be done about this, is to define an interface for
> > the dtype. It would be taken for granted that it will have +, *, /
> > defined. Checks will be used in algorithms if it has pow, inverse
> > defined or not.
> > The caller will be provided with a dtype function argument in the
> > Matrix constructor.
> > I list some built-in dtypes that sympy has and can provide. With only
> > these 6 dtypes, Matrix should suffice for 90% of symbolic matrix
> > needs. Possibly, if the caller doesn't want any of these dtypes, then
> > he should specify 'other' in the dtype argument.
> > Int, numeric, can employ addition, multiplication, raising to positive
> > integral power.
> > Rational, numeric, can employ addition, multiplication, division,
> > inverse, raising to integral power.
> > Real, numeric, can employ addition, multiplication, division, inverse,
> > raising to any power.
> > Poly (Or one of its internals), symbolic, to support addition,
> > multiplication, division by scalar, *not* inverse, raising to positive
> > integral power.
> > Rational Function, symbolic, to support addition, multiplication,
> > division by scalar, inverse, raising to integral power.
> > Expr, symbolic, to support addition, multiplication, division by
> > scalar, inverse, raising to all powers.

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