
I was recently browsing SymPy's SVN repository (sympy-oldcore branch which
contains the original implementation of SymPy) and I noticed that the first
commit was created on 2006-08-01 02:03:30 +0200 (Tue, 01 Aug 2006), which
means that today it's exactly five years since SymPy was started. Myself I
joined the project at r903 (24 April 2007). SymPy started as a simple
calculator with soon added uncanny capability for computing limits (due to
implementation of Gruntz algorithm). Since then SymPy grown very quickly and
become a reasonably sized project with 25 modules covering very many fields
of mathematics and physics, with over 200k lines of code written by 145
developers from all around the world. One of it's modules, sympy.numerics,
become an important project on its own (mpmath).

>From its beginning, SymPy was developed using the bazaar approach, with no
central planning at all. Culmination of this approach was adoption of git
for source code management and later GitHub for managing patches (via pull
requests). Symbolic mathematics and computer algebra systems were usually
developed in small coherent environments, for example within a group at a
university. Development process of SymPy showed that this doesn't have to be
the case, because SymPy isn't connected to any coherent group of people or
any university or even country. Most SymPy developers didn't ever meet other
in person. It's actually amazing that a project of this complexity can grow
that fast despite this. A huge help was Google's Summer of Code program,
which allowed us to hire many excellent students who have brought
significant contributions to the project.

Of course not everything is perfect. SymPy could be a little faster, better
documented and allow for much easier embedding in other projects. I hope
that in parallel to continuous growth of new features, like new solvers, new
symbolic integration algorithms and other, we will also focus on those three
issues. We made a little progress with documentation during SciPy
conference, but this requires far more work and understanding from
developers that documentation is as much important as code. SymPy already
has a lot of cool features, but our users won't have a clue about this,
until SymPy gets better documentation.

How I see SymPy in 5 years? It's obvious that I would like to see SymPy
feature complete, fast, well documented, etc. However, what I would like to
see even more is SymPy being used by much more people in research and
teaching. This is our task to not only develop the project but also to
deploy it: show it to people, explain its strengths and describe the areas
of application. I hope that next five years will be even more productive
than the passing 5 years were.


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