Hullo Sympy Group,

I'm wrapping some Sympy variables into a group via a class object.  The 
object is attached to another object, and from here, I'm able to collect 
the name of the group (via *__setattr__*).  Thus, I can have constructs 
like this:

*M.X = Var()        # Var is the wrapper class that holds a group variables.
*M.X[1,2,'a'] = 1   # automatically create variable*

That automatically creates the variable '*X[1,2,a]*' via the *
Var.__getitem__*.  To get the name with commas, I have to do this within 
the *__getitem__* function:

*1. self.m_varsInUse += 1*
*2. vname = '%s[%d]' % ( self.m_name, self.m_varsInUse )*
*3. var = symbols( vname, **assumptions )*
*4. = '%s(%s)' % (self.m_name, str(index).replace(' ', ''))*

Lines 1 and 2 guarantee a new variable, so that Sympy doesn't returned a 
cached copy of an already created variable, and line 4 puts in a name that 
potentially has commas.  What I'd like to be able to do is forgo lines one 
and two, like something akin to this:

*vname = '%s(%s)' % (self.m_name, str(index).replace(' ', ''))*
*var = symbols( vname, **assumptions )*

This seems to return names like 'X[1', '2', and 'a]'.  I'd hazard splitting 
based on commas is correct behavior, but I'm wondering if there's something 
I can pass to the constructor that says "No, the commas are part of the 



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