Err, is this perhaps a bug that has been fixed since the 0.7.1 release? 
 When I do that, vname can't have commas, else it creates multiple 

*# For a mnemonic, here is an example variable from a model with which I'm*
*# working.  The variable format is <VarName>[year, tech, vintage].
*>>> from sympy import **
*>>> assumptions = dict()*
*>>> index = (2010, 'Prius', 2008)*
*>>> vname = 'Car[%s]' % ','.join(str(i) for i in index)*
*     # I'm looking to create _single_ variable*
*>>> v = symbols( vname, **assumptions )*
*     # but instead I get three*
*>>> type( v )*
*<type 'tuple'>*
*>>> len( v )*
*>>> print "Variable 1: '%s'" % v[0]*
*Variable 1: 'Car[2010'*
*>>> print "Variable 2: '%s'" % v[1]*
*Variable 2: 'Prius'*
*>>> print "Variable 3: '%s'" % v[2]*
*Variable 3: '2008]'*

The only way that I currently know how to get a single variable with commas 
in the name is by updating it's name after it's been created:

*>>> v = symbols( 'some_unique_string', **assumptions )*
*>>> = vname*
*>>> type( v )*
*<class 'sympy.core.symbol.Symbol'>*
*>>> len( v )*
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>*
*TypeError: object of type 'Symbol' has no len()*
*>>> print "Variable 4: '%s'" % v*
*Variable 4: 'X[2010,Prius,2008]'*

Does that help elucidate what I'm asking?  What I'm looking for is more 
direct method to create variables that have names with commas.

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