
On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Ashwini Oruganti
<ashwini.oruga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The design can work in the following manner:
> Once an operation is performed, the UI asks the user if he wants the
> step-wise solution to be printed. If yes, go to Step 2, else exit the UI.
> Determine the operation that is to be performed and map this through a
> method to the list in the DS1 that contains the possible ways to solve it.
> Return this list to the UI.
> Ask the user which way he wants to follow to generate the step-wise
> solution. Store this in DS2.
> DS2 uses this information and sends it to DS1 to generate each step (We can
> design another DS3 here that stores a step - for its usability) and send the
> step stored in DS3 to a printing mechanism. Return control to the UI
> Ask the user if he wants to generate the next step. If yes, repeat Step 4.
> If no, exit.

You may wish to consider going a step backwards, so that the user can
explore different possibilities of transforming an expression.

Ideally, whichever route the user chooses, the *final* result should
be the same.  However, the user may be interested in some
*intermediate* result, in which case choosing different ways of
transforming a formula at a certain step makes a difference.


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