On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Matthew Rocklin <mrock...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> def grep_stream(location):
>>     return os.popen(
>>     'find %s -name "*.py" | xargs  grep -h -P "^class
>> \w+\([\s\w,]+\)"'%location)
>> Alas, looking at the man page for xargs it seems apparent that the -P
>> argument is meant for xargs whereas the -h argument is meant for grep,
>> right?  So, I moved the -P arg to just after xargs and made it have a '1'
>> (otherwise xargs complains) and left the -h arg as is.
> The file works on my machine without complaint. I'm unfortunately not very
> familiar with unix commands. I'm not sure I'll be able to diagnose this
> issue. I find it odd that these commands aren't machine independent.

The base level command and options are specified by POSIX, but many
operating systems add extensions which are OS dependent.  I believe -P
is a GNU extension (see
http://www.gnu.org/software/grep/manual/grep.html#grep-Programs, and
compare to http://ss64.com/bash/grep.html), so won't be included in
non-GNU grep, such as the one that comes with Mac OS X.  If you want
to use perl extensions, I would recommend just using perl, or
alternately, use Python's re module, which supports many of the same
extensions.  It's not clear to me what part of your regular expression
requires it, though.

>>  When I run the script it finishes without complaints. However, the
>> mats.dot file and the mats.pdf are essentially nothing:  mats.dot is
>> homelap-3:sympy comerduncan$ cat mats.dot
>> strict digraph G {
>> rankdir=LR;
>> overlap=false;
>> }
> It looks like the find+grep combination didn't pick anything up. You could
> try this command in the shell and see what you get. You should get a bunch
> of strings like the following to dump to the screen
> class Expr(Basic):
>> So,  what gives? Perhaps I am simply not using it correctly?
>> I am running with python2.7 on my mac (Mountain Lion). All needed routines
>> are installed (macports is great).
> Again, my guess is that the behavior of the unix tools is slightly different
> between MacOSX and Debian/Ubuntu. This surprises me. If anyone is more
> familiar with these tools I'd be happy to swap out what I have with
> something a bit more robust.
> I'd also be very happy if someone was able to replace this python script
> with a pure bash one. I suspect this program can be further simplified.

IMHO, a better solution would be one that uses Python to find the
modules using Python introspection.  You can get the superclasses of a
class using __bases__ (like Expr.__bases__).  This will handle more
pathological cases like false positives of classes defined in a
docstring, and false negatives of classes defined by non-standard
means, and it will be more robust than a regular expression even for
the normal cases.

Aaron Meurer

>> This little script is cute and probably useful when one is trying to sort
>> out the class dependencies in a given project or just in general trying to
>> understand how things are hung together.
>> Thanks for making this little tool.
> Thanks for using it.
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