Hi Sachin.

Yes, the one thing I need from you is your blog RSS feed. Send it to me, or
send a pull request to https://github.com/sympy/planet.sympy.org (edit the
planet.ini file). The same goes to the other accepted GSoC students.

The reason we decided to have Gilbert and Stefan both comentor your and
Prasoon's proposals is that we want to make sure that you two work together
as much as necessary, as your proposals are related. We also chose Gilbert,
one of the authors of the mechanics module, to make sure that your work
fits the needs of the mechanics module in Prasoon's case, and matches the
design and API in yours.

Aaron Meurer

On May 28, 2013, at 5:24 AM, Stefan Krastanov <krastanov.ste...@gmail.com>

Hi Sachin and Prasoon,

I have also CCed Aaron, Gilbert and the mailing list as a whole. If you
have questions send them publicly to the mailing list, not privately to the
mentors (unless you consider the issue to really be a private matter)

First of all, congratulations!

Be sure to setup blogs for gsoc (or a gsoc category with a dedicated rss
feed if you want to reuse a personal blog).

We also encourage you to help with reviews during your projects. For
instance, set aside a few hours or even a whole afternoon each week
dedicated to pull request reviews (checking the code for antipatterns,
pulling it and playing around with the new functionality, checking
coverage, etc). In your case this would be easier as anyway you will need
to review each others work, but checking other pull request from time to
time would be beneficial.

During the application period we also asked you to comment on each-others
applications. It would be great if you can share those comments now. You
are probably going to get as much help from each other as you will get from
Gilbert, me and the community.

I suggest that we set up a wiki page where you can work together and
propose the api for the vectors. A possible way to start would be for
Prasoon to copy the examples given by Sachin in his application and
complement/fix them as he sees fit and for Sachin to do the same with
Prasoon's examples (only the vector relate examples in both cases).

Also, it would be great if you can provide a mock SymPy session for the
following problem (it is from electromagnetism because of Sachin's project,
but focus for now only on the vectors api).

1. (the space) In 3D flat space.
2. (scalar fields) Create a scalar field `rho` which is to represent a
planar charge density with a Gaussian cross-section. For instance in
Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates rho=exp(-z^2).
3. (vector fields) Create a vector field `B` which is constant in time,
homogeneous in space, pointing in the z direction.
4. (vectors that are not vector fields) Set up a particle at some arbitrary
coordinates with some arbitrary initial velocity.
5. (trajectories, parametrized lines) Imagine that you have a black box
which takes the world as input and outputs a trajectory for the particle.
Give the api for that black box.

And the following is more related to the Sachin's project, but after you
finish 1-5 I hope you can both comment on it:

6. (parametrized fields) how will 2 and 3 look if they depend on time
7. (Maxwell) given rho, E and B derive the PDEs governing them. Assume
there are NO point particles.
7a. (Maxwell) given 2 and 3 (or 6) derive the electric field (again assume
you have a black box for the algorithm and provide only an api)

And this one is rather advanced, you can leave it out for now:

8. (no particles) Instead of defining 4 and 5, just use DiracDelta fields.
This is done in Jackson.
9. What about other degenerate fields besides point particles in the form
of DiracDelta. What about line and surface charges.

In any case, do not just to questions 6-9. Take your time and respond in
details to 1-5. And please do it in a well formated wikipage, not here on
the mailing list.


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