Concerning bugs and stats, is the following another bug?

In [4]: X = Binomial('X', 4, S.Half)

In [7]: density(X).dict
Out[7]: {0: 1/16, 1: 1/4, 2: 3/8, 3: 1/4, 4: 1/16}

In [8]: P(X > 2)
Out[8]: 5/16

In [9]: P(X == 2)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'probability'

I would expect 

*P(X == 2) = 3/8.*Well, I don't know if this is related to the previous bug 
or if it's a missing feature, but I just updated the master branch and it 
is there.

I also happens on continuous RV

In [10]: X = Normal('X', 3, 4)

In [11]: P(X == 3)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'probability'

On continuous RV this value should be zero, expect for possible continuous 
random variables involving distributions (correct me if I'm wrong).

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