Hi Aaron, 

I plan to continue to distribute the IEEEtran formatted pdf from my site for
>> marketing purposes, but I can convert the text into .rst for ease of 
>> merging into /doc/src/.
> There is definitely useful material here. There is also material that is 
> effectively duplicate what is already in the existing tutorial. It would 
> probably be confusing to have two tutorials. 
The reason I was suggesting two parallel tutorials is for the different 
intended audiences.
Think of this as different sections in man pages:

   - the official tutorial is   symp_tutorial(3)    intended for programmers
   - my tutorial is symp_tutorial(1) intended for end users (w/o dev skills)


> How do you feel about contributing the parts that aren't in the existing 
> tutorial at all (like the mechanics), 
improving the parts that are in the existing tutorial but not as well done 
> (like the matrices), 

This could work, though it will be a week or two of editing to merge the 
two narratives...
Also, I think both tutorial could benefit being "presentable" as ipython 
(I believe I've seen some other HOWTOs on sympy, delivered as notebooks).

and looking at the base SymPy stuff and seeing what can be improved. 
I'm also welcome to general suggestions and improvements to the current 
> SymPy tutorial.

I have somewhat limited time during the coming weeks, but I'll print out 
the current
tutorial and try to imagine a narratives-merge that sticks....  Also I 
imagine the 
combined tutorial will be quite long---we'll almost need a tutorial to the 
tutorial ;)


> One difference I notice between your tutorial and the official SymPy one 
> is that yours also teaches some math along the way, whereas the SymPy one 
> assumes the reader already knows the math behind the various functions. 
> Which way do you think is better? I wrote the current SymPy tutorial, and I 
> used that style because it simplifies things, especially for readers who 
> already know the math.

That's an interesting question, and one all technical writers face 
constantly. The intended reader could have:

   - Different computer skills:  non-technical (used to clicking on stuff); 
   poweruser (knows what a command line is);  or developer.
   - Different math background:   no-math;   HS level proficiency; 
   university level;  or  graduate level.
   - Willing to invest different amount of time:  5-mins; 20-mins; or 
   60-mins   to read the tutorial.

One could say we need 3*4*3 different versions!

My guess is aiming for "HS level" math discourse can only be a good thing, 
so long as the explanations don't go on tangents, i.e., one or two 
sentences added as math introduction is OK, but adding paragraphs of 
"theory" would slow down the reading to much for people in the know.

An unrelated idea --- but related to attention span --- is a possible split 
of the tutorial into a "Quickstart" (20 mins) and a "Tutorial" (1 hour). 

[...] Is CC BY-SA compatible with:  
>> https://github.com/sympy/sympy/blob/master/LICENSE  ?
> IANAL, but I believe CC BY-SA is not compatible with BSD, because of the 
> SA (share alike), which makes it copyleft. 
it would be best if you licensed it as BSD [...]

BSD it will be then!

  - Ivan 

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