Hi Christophe,

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 8:38 AM, Joachim Durchholz <j...@durchholz.org> wrote:
> Am 02.04.2015 um 11:30 schrieb Christophe Bal:
>> Thanks for the answers.
>> Indeed I was hoping that git can manage multi pull requests. If it is not
>> case, Il will build a python scripts such to play with the git --stat
>> outputs.
> Wait until you have seen some actual merge conflicts :-)
> It's not usually an issue.
> Not unless you do something cross-cutting that touches many modules. And
> even then it does not happen very often that two people touch related lines
> of code.
>> Now that I know a little git, I will try to participate as soon as
>> possible.
> That's enough to participate. git expertise comes with use (that's more true
> for git than for many other tools).
>> Thanks for pycharm but I prefer to use atom.
> No problem with that.

I would also mention that you can access the PRs from git. I have this
in ~/.gitconfig:

    pr = !sh -c 'git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr-$1 && git checkout pr-$1' -

Then you can checkout any PR as follows:

ondrej@eagle:~/repos/sympy(master)$ git pr 9234
remote: Counting objects: 161, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (67/67), done.
remote: Total 161 (delta 80), reused 52 (delta 52), pack-reused 42
Receiving objects: 100% (161/161), 165.97 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (85/85), done.
>From https://github.com/sympy/sympy
 * [new ref]         refs/pull/9234/head -> pr-9234
 * [new tag]         sympy-0.7.6 -> sympy-0.7.6
 * [new tag]         sympy-0.7.6.rc1 -> sympy-0.7.6.rc1
 * [new tag]         sympy-0.7.6.rc2 -> sympy-0.7.6.rc2
Switched to branch 'pr-9234'

So you can checkout two PRs and use git to investigate. You can use git --stat.


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