Thanks Oscar Benjamin for the wonderful suggestions. I will start looking 
into algorithms and methods that have not been implemented for the domain 
Matrix class yet.
I would be happy to help in building Domain Matrix class.

Do you think improving and implementing algorithms in Domain Matrix class 
would be a suitable Gsoc Proposal?

On Saturday, 20 February 2021 at 5:04:13 pm UTC+5:30 Oscar wrote:

> On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 at 07:40, Kartik Sethi <> wrote:
> >
> > Hey, my name is Kartik Sethi. I am interested in taking part in Gsoc 
> this year. I have been contributing to sympy for the past couple of months.
> Hi Kartik,
> > I have come up with a few ideas for Gsoc. I am focusing primarily on the 
> sympy matrices module.
> >
> > Implementing complete Singular Value decomposition. Sympy currently has 
> a function for condensed SVD ( I am a contributor on this #20761).
> > Using the complete SVD, I can implement Polar decomposition
> > Hermite Normal Form. There is an old un-merged PR (#18534), I could work 
> on this and complete it.
> > Sparse-Fraction Free Algorithm another old unfinished PR (#9133)
> The Matrix class does not necessarily get much benefit from
> fraction-free algorithms because of the internal representation.
> DomainMatrix does though (see below).
> > Jordan Canonical Form
> This is already implemented as the Matrix.jordan_form method so I'm
> not sure what you are proposing. The main way it could be improved is
> by having the method use DomainMatrix internally just like eigenvects
> does (see below).
> > Improve time complexity for QR decomposition of upper Hessenberg. There 
> is an algorithm using Householder reflectors that can cut down 
> time-complexity to O(n^2) instead of current O(n^3)
> When I've timed calculations with Matrix they almost never match up to
> the big-O behaviour that is typically expected for any given
> algorithm. I think there are too many other symbolic computations
> going on that it slows down more than it should as n grows. Operations
> with DomainMatrix though do tend to have the big-O that you would
> expect if you take into account bit complexity.
> This is not listed anywhere on the ideas page or really documented
> anywhere yet but there is a new mostly internal implementation of
> matrices in the sympy.polys.matrices module. This new implementation
> is called DomainMatrix and is based on the polys domains. The domains
> themselves are explained in these recently added docs:
> There are aren't any docs for DomainMatrix yet and it is not that easy
> to use but you can find more information in this most recent PR which
> links to other PRs:
> The easiest way to test out DomainMatrix is by converting from a
> normal Matrix like this:
> In [75]: from sympy.polys.matrices import DomainMatrix
> In [76]: M = Matrix(range(25)).reshape(5, 5)
> In [77]: M
> Out[77]:
> ⎡0 1 2 3 4 ⎤
> ⎢ ⎥
> ⎢5 6 7 8 9 ⎥
> ⎢ ⎥
> ⎢10 11 12 13 14⎥
> ⎢ ⎥
> ⎢15 16 17 18 19⎥
> ⎢ ⎥
> ⎣20 21 22 23 24⎦
> In [78]: dM = DomainMatrix.from_Matrix(M)
> In [80]: dM
> Out[80]: DomainMatrix([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12,
> 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]], (5, 5), ZZ)
> DomainMatrix is much faster than Matrix for many calculations. The
> difference is observable for a simple matrix of integers like this:
> In [81]: %time M.det()
> CPU times: user 2.4 ms, sys: 281 µs, total: 2.68 ms
> Wall time: 2.73 ms
> Out[81]: 0
> In [82]: %time dM.det()
> CPU times: user 143 µs, sys: 161 µs, total: 304 µs
> Wall time: 310 µs
> Out[82]: mpz(0)
> The difference becomes really noticeable if the matrix has algebraic
> elements like I or sqrt(2) or has symbols like x or y in it:
> In [88]: M = randMatrix(5, 5) + randMatrix(5, 5) * I
> In [89]: M
> Out[89]:
> ⎡26 + 27⋅ⅈ 41 + 76⋅ⅈ 98 + 76⋅ⅈ 64 + 52⋅ⅈ 48 + 2⋅ⅈ ⎤
> ⎢ ⎥
> ⎢65 + 81⋅ⅈ 49 + 25⋅ⅈ 39 + 82⋅ⅈ 74⋅ⅈ 77 + 3⋅ⅈ ⎥
> ⎢ ⎥
> ⎢11 + 59⋅ⅈ 49 + 67⋅ⅈ 50 + 25⋅ⅈ 69 + 24⋅ⅈ 79 + 31⋅ⅈ⎥
> ⎢ ⎥
> ⎢42 + 29⋅ⅈ 33 + 72⋅ⅈ 37 + 59⋅ⅈ 10 + 12⋅ⅈ 27 + 62⋅ⅈ⎥
> ⎢ ⎥
> ⎣97 + 7⋅ⅈ 4 + 26⋅ⅈ 8 + 30⋅ⅈ 47 + 84⋅ⅈ 81 + 6⋅ⅈ ⎦
> In [90]: dM = DomainMatrix.from_Matrix(M)
> In [91]: %time ok = M.det()
> CPU times: user 486 ms, sys: 4.15 ms, total: 490 ms
> Wall time: 492 ms
> In [92]: %time ok = dM.det()
> CPU times: user 12 ms, sys: 422 µs, total: 12.4 ms
> Wall time: 12.7 ms
> In [93]: %time ok = M.charpoly()
> CPU times: user 18.9 s, sys: 186 ms, total: 19.1 s
> Wall time: 19.2 s
> In [94]: %time ok = dM.charpoly()
> CPU times: user 10 ms, sys: 170 µs, total: 10.2 ms
> Wall time: 10.5 ms
> That's a 50x speed difference for computing the determinant and a
> 2000x difference for the characteristic polynomial. This is just for a
> 5x5 matrix: the speed difference will be more significant for larger
> matrices. Further optimisations are still possible for both det and
> charpoly: sparse fraction free elimination could be used for det for
> example.
> It is not currently clear how to make use of DomainMatrix for users.
> Currently it is only used as part of linsolve and internally by the
> Matrix.eigenvects routine. Right now the thing that would make the
> biggest difference to matrices in sympy would be making more use of
> DomainMatrix to speed up calculations.
> For example this PR added the use of DomainMatrix for computing 
> eigenvectors:
> That makes eigenvector calculations extremely fast on master compared
> to sympy 1.7.1. Given this matrix:
> B = Matrix([
> [ 5, -5, -3, 2],
> [-2, -5, 0, 2],
> [-2, -7, -5, -2],
> [ 7, 10, 3, 9]])
> On master the eigenvectors are computed using DomainMatrix and it
> takes 200 milliseconds:
> In [2]: %time v = B.eigenvects()
> CPU times: user 206 ms, sys: 14 ms, total: 220 ms
> Wall time: 219 ms
> With sympy 1.7.1 DomainMatrix is not used and the calculation is
> extremely slow. I waited 10 minutes and then gave up:
> In [2]: %time v = B.eigenvects()
> ^C---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> KeyboardInterrupt
> Methods like fraction-free algorithms don't necessarily make much
> sense with the current Matrix class as it uses Expr for the matrix
> elements which does not necessarily get much speed up from avoiding
> division. With DomainMatrix it can make a huge difference because it
> means that we can perform calculations over a polynomial ring domain
> rather than a rational function field which eliminates gcd
> calculations.
> I think that right now this is the direction to go to improve matrix
> calculations. Some examples of things that need doing:
> 1. Add docs explaining DomainMatrix
> 2. Use DomainMatrix for jordan_form as well as for eigenvects and in
> particular for the matrix exponential.
> 3. Use DomainMatrix for e.g. charpoly and many other methods.
> 4. Add basic matrix convenience methods like slicing to DomainMatrix.
> 5. Add fraction free and other algorithms to DomainMatrix
> 6. Figure out how and when to use both the dense and sparse
> implementations of DomainMatrix.
> The big thing that needs doing is providing users with a more direct
> way to use DomainMatrix: a public matrix class that uses DomainMatrix
> as its internal representation so that it does not need to convert
> between representations each time it wants to compute something like
> eigenvects. This needs a bigger discussion though about what that
> public interface would be. For now I think it would be better to keep
> building up DomainMatrix with additional docs, algorithms and methods
> while making use of it internally to speed up particularly slow
> calculations.
> Oscar

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