> The exact details of what you would do if your proposal was accepted
> are less important than showing that you can make substantial
> improvements in general. It's very likely that if any proposal based
> on DomainMatrix is accepted then the details of what would get
> implemented would end up different from any proposal made now because
> part of the work is in identifying what should be done.

Thanks for clarifying this. I am reasonably familiar with Jordan Canonical 
Form and 
Matrix exponential and I think I can implement them. I'll add these to my 
proposal instead
of QR and Cholesky Decompositions.


On Sunday, 21 March 2021 at 4:45:10 pm UTC+5:30 Oscar wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Mar 2021 at 10:51, Kartik Sethi <kartik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > There is already a PR #21120 which is trying to implement DomainScalar 
> class
> > which is why I deleted that message.
> Personally I read these messages as an email mailing list so deleting
> a message is unnoticeable to me (you can't delete an email from my
> inbox).
> > Should I add Jordan Normal Form to my
> > Proposal instead assuming that DomainScalar would be implemented by then 
> or should
> > I add improvements to DomainScalar as one of the objectives in my 
> proposal.
> I think that improving Jordan form and matrix exponential is
> definitely something to do since currently the main usage of
> DomainMatrix outside of linsolve is eigenvects and it clearly shows a
> big improvement there. The Jordan form calculation is very similar and
> is actually used more widely e.g. for computing the matrix exponential
> and for solving systems of ODEs so applying the same improvement there
> should be a high priority for DomainMatrix.
> > I am a little confused about this.
> The most important thing for a GSOC proposal is to demonstrate that:
> 1) You understand the parts of the codebase you are proposing to work
> on and have ideas to improve things.
> 2) There are substantial improvements to be made that are of value to 
> sympy.
> 3) You individually are capable of implementing *some* of those
> substantial improvements.
> The exact details of what you would do if your proposal was accepted
> are less important than showing that you can make substantial
> improvements in general. It's very likely that if any proposal based
> on DomainMatrix is accepted then the details of what would get
> implemented would end up different from any proposal made now because
> part of the work is in identifying what should be done.
> Oscar

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