Can you send example code, please? schrieb am Samstag, 5. Februar 2022 um 07:04:10 UTC+1:

> I'm a new user of the package and wanted to check transfer function 
> outputs between my circuit simulator and some other control simulation 
> package. It appears that outputs from bode_plot 
> (sympy.physics.control.control_plots) are in rad/s for frequency, which is 
> the natural unit for control analysis. The graph produced by bode_plot  has 
> its frequency axis shown in Hz, but analysis and comparison to other 
> programs suggest that it should be labelled rad/s.
> Is this an error, or is there some switch somewhere in the package that 
> sets units for outputs to Hz and degrees, rather than radians and rad/s?
> I have a work around by handling graphing, just would like to use the 
> built in functions where possible. Also would like the make use of the 
> initial and final exponent, in the units of the graphing output.

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