I made two modifivations in the program (see below) with only the
following effct: I only get "empty characters" (Spaces) instead of the
Am Donnerstag, den 27.11.2008, 18:15 +0100 schrieb Richard:
> > Based on you question and the information you have gathered thus far,
> > anything else you need to know, maybe I can help?
> Thank you for this offer!
> I don't know if this mailing list accepts attachments so I have copied
> the program "serialtest.pas" at the end of this mail.
> I have connected my sending unit with my PC on /dev/ttyS1. This unit
> sends data, I have checked this with a terminal program. The parameters
> are 9600, 8N1. The data consist of a string (ASCII) with 21 characters,
> followed by two LF (dec.10). It is sent every 2 s, sometimes 1 s.
> Now I've looked to the rs232_connect-procedure. The loop "
> repeat
> write(ser.recvbyte(1000), ' ');
> until keypressed;
> " should result in showing the received bytes on the screen. But all I
> get is "0 0 0 0...", even, if the unit is switched off. 
> I am sorry, but the study of the definitions of RecvByte in the
> SynaSer-unit didn't help me (function TBlockSerial.RecvByte...).
> Is it a timeout, which is to small?
> I hope, I made it clear to you.
> Any help appreciated!
> Richard
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> program serialtest; {found anywhere in the www}
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> uses
>   {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
>   cthreads,
>   {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF}
>   Classes,SysUtils,Synaser,Crt
>   { you can add units after this };
>   var l:boolean;
> { function check_affirmation():boolean;
>   var k:string;
>   begin
>        Writeln('To quit the application please do NOT use CTRL-C!
> Instead, please press any key to quit the application! '+
>        'Please confirm this notification before the application
> continues! '+
>        '[0]=Quit, [1]=Confirm, please continue! ');
>        Writeln('Your decision: ');
>        Read(k);
>        if StrtoInt(k) = 1 then
>        begin
>             check_affirmation:=true;
>             Writeln('OK, application continues ...');
>        end
>        else
>        begin
>             check_affirmation:=false;
>             Writeln('Abort');
>        end
>   end; }
>   procedure RS232_connect;
>   var
>      ser: TBlockSerial;

 ser.ConvertLineEnd := true; {because I have LF/LF instead of CR/LF}

>   begin
>        ser:=TBlockSerial.Create;
>        try
>           ser.Connect('/dev/ttyS1'); //ComPort
> {Sleep(1000);}
>           ser.config(9600, 8, 'N', 1, False, False);
>           Write('Device: ' + ser.Device + '   Status: ' +
> ser.LastErrorDesc +' '+
>           Inttostr(ser.LastError) + ' ');
> {Sleep(1000);}
>           repeat
 Write(ser.Recvstring(1000), ' '); {instead of:
>                Write(ser.RecvByte(1000), ' ');}
>           until keypressed; //Important!!!
>        finally
>               Writeln; writeln('Serial Port will be freed...');
>               ser.free;
>               Writeln('Serial Port was freed successfully!');
>        end;
>   end;
>   begin
> {l:=check_affirmation();
>      if l=true then}
>      RS232_connect()
> { else
>      Writeln('Program quit! ');}
>   end.
Richard Müller - Am Spring 9 - D-58802 Balve-Eisborn
Ökologische Station in der JH Sorpesee
www.oeko-sorpe.de - www.wasserreise.info

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