> 1. I read that Synapse uses synchronous sockets or with limited
> non-blocking mode.  What does this imply and will it affect my
> application if I use Synapse?  Based on my understanding, serial uses
> asynchronous communication.

Don't mix API style call with serial communication.

- Asynchronous serial communication is related to style of clock 
synchroniztion on the wires.

- However asynchronous programming is related to style of API call. 
(When you call receive operation, then your thread sleeps until you 
got requested datas or until error occurs, etc.) 

See the: http://synapse.ararat.cz/doku.php/public:howto:readdata for 

> 2. I experimented with the demo and found out that it does not lock
> port, unlike WSC4D.  I also read that Synaser can lock port under
> Linux, but nowhere in the code or documentation does it says that
> Synaser can lock port under Windows.  My question is - can Synaser
> lock a COM port under Windows?

You cannot access windows serial port without lock. It is locked 
implicitly when you open the port.

> 3. Will Synaser be able to replace WSC4D?  

Synaser have no advanced features like Xmodem or Ymodem (very 
obsolete protocols...). Synaser is native code compiled in your 
application and you not need any external DLL.

Most different is programming style. Synaser using synchronous, 
however WSC4D using asynchronous mode of API call. (I think...) So, 
you must rewrite communication logic. Advantage is - synchronous 
style is very intuitive and linear.

Lukas Gebauer.

E-mail: gebau...@mlp.cz
http://synapse.ararat.cz/ - Ararat Synapse - TCP/IP Lib.

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