Hi deep Syncers,

Users forget passwords. We can’t stop this; but perhaps we can eliminate the 
instances of single-device users resetting their passwords and destroying 
potentially the only back-up they have of their bookmarks, passwords, etc.

Some questions I’m aiming to get answered:
How many of our users have lost data due to a password reset?
How many more are at risk of doing so?
How many have stopped short of a reset and abandoned Sync and/or Firefox?
After registering, are users aware that their data will be erased during a 
Can Sync encryption be re-engineered so that data survives a reset?
If yes, what UX changes would be required besides copy changes?
If it can’t be, is their consensus among users about which datatypes should be 
by default encrypted (e.g. passwords) and unencypted (e.g. bookmarks)?
If there’s not consensus, would users prefer to choose what’s encrypted?
Would Mozilla ever be okay with letting users leave their history or passwords 
unencrypted on our servers?
I’m creating a Shield survey, but the 5th question above can only be answered 
by engineering (and the last question by security).

Any other questions come to mind?

Ryan Feeley
UX, Cloud Services
Mozilla UX
IRC: rfeeley

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