On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Ryan Kelly <rfke...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 27/08/2016 09:44, Christopher Karlof wrote:
> > Let me take this opportunity to make sure this problem is framed
> correctly:
> >
> > *Our goal is increase user success and satisfaction in their experience
> > using Sync, specifically when connecting additional devices.*
> I have no beef with this framing, but it's worth noting that rfeeley's
> original email opened with:
> """
> Users forget passwords. We can’t stop this; but perhaps we can eliminate
> the instances of single-device users resetting their passwords and
> destroying potentially the only back-up they have of their bookmarks,
> passwords, etc.
> """
> Which is a different thing to connecting multiple devices.  I think we
> have an open issue on the FxA side to get some metrics on which of the
> two scenarios is more frequent, resetting password because I'm adding a
> second device vs resetting password because I'm trying to get my data
> back from the cloud.

Yeah, I didn’t read it that way, but based on the other responses, it makes
more sense now. For some reason I viewed it as single device users “on the
way to getting a second device connected” that have their server data
destroyed, which of course, also results in a terrible 2nd device

Both of these are legitimate framings of the “password reset problem”, but
we should probably decide early which one we care more about (preferably
backed by evidence), because I feel they potentially invite different
approaches. E.g., pairing isn’t going to help single device users much.


>   Cheers,
>     Ryan
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