Hello political correspondents,

The Mobile Tech Leads convened a discussion panel on Wednesday, Nov 7
(NA/EU timezones).  Nobody was in costume but we all bleated like donkeys
or brayed like elephants.

Three talking points from the classified dossier

   1. We still want better options for storage on mobile.  The Telemetry
   team (talking head today: Dexter) are building an Android Component for
   recording and submitting events.  Sebastian wondered if rkv
   <https://github.com/mozilla/rkv> would be a good fit.  The discussion
   concluded "yes, but in the future": there are no Kotlin (or Java) bindings
   for rkv right now, and we don't expect to build a cross-platform Telemetry
   component in Rust for Q1.
   2. FxA engineer Shane Tomlinson wonders if we can use PAKE over TLS
   for certain pairing operations in Android Components.  PAKE is an
   initialism that stands for "password authentic key exchange"; it's a family
   of protocols for two parties to securely agree on a common strong key if
   they have prior knowledge of a common weak key.  PAKE over TLS, (if it
   gains traction) will be readily available in Necko and thus GeckoView; the
   question is, how might we expose it *without* requiring GeckoView.
   Christian will report back at next week's meeting with some thoughts on how
   this might be done using core Android technologies.
   3. Many moons ago, the tech leads proposed that Kotlin-implemented
   Android Components would control asynchrony and that Rust-implemented
   libraries would be almost entirely synchronous.  It's taken some time, but
   that vision has been mostly realized in the fxaclient component
   Christian reports -- on the record (!) -- that the resulting expression is
   very nice for consumers and allows them to exploit the improved Kotlin
   co-routine support easily.

Until next week, remember to vote!
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