Hello tiny dancers,

The mobile tech leads appeared on stage on Wednesday, Nov 14 (NA/AU
timezones).  Nobody was wearing a tutu but we were treated to an impromptu
interpretative dance: hence today's summary theme!

Before the first intermission, the programme
focused on:

   - A foxtrot about bringing the Application Services Rust Sync 1.5
   implementation to iOS in support of Lockbox for iOS.  Without a significant
   shift in focus that's a late 2019 thing at the earliest.
   - A quickstep about Application Services progress: composite (née
   megazord) libraries that compose multiple Rust features to reduce binary
   size and allow shared configuration should be published sometime next
   week <https://github.com/mozilla/application-services/pull/387>.  Thom
   Chiovoloni will be picking up the baton for connecting Rust logging to
   Android Components logging
   <https://github.com/mozilla/application-services/issues/205>, which
   should make it much easier for Reference Browser users to access rich
   logging from some historically dark parts of the backstage services.

Before the second intermission, the programme moved on to a waltz in two

   - The first part concerned the (rapid!) progress to bringing Sync 1.5
   support for history to the Reference Browser.
   - The second part was circling back to the Web Channel/Web Extension
   discussion from several weeks back
   As more integration work happens in the Reference Browser, this becomes
   more pressing, so we're trying to work through the story well in advance.

Finally, Christian Sadilek delivered a solo about implementing PAKE
protocols on Android

Beautiful to behold, folks.
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