On So, 2011-04-10 at 23:56 +0100, Bjoern Franke wrote:
> Hi,
> > See the mails posted in this thread earlier:
> > http://www.mail-archive.com/syncevolution@syncevolution.org/msg02105.html
> > 
> > And in particular the email where Hans describes how he solved the
> > problem:
> > http://www.mail-archive.com/syncevolution@syncevolution.org/msg02108.html
> > 
> I read both messages. I'm a bit confused, because syncevolution seems to
> see the sources:
> Evolution Address Book = Evolution Contacts = evolution-contacts:
>    Persönlich (local:/system) <default>
> Evolution Calendar = evolution-calendar:
>    Persönlich (local:/system) <default>
>    Geburts- und Jahrestage (contacts:///)
> Evolution Task List = Evolution Tasks = evolution-tasks:
>    Persönlich (local:/system) <default>
> Evolution Memos = evolution-memos:
>    Persönlich (local:/system) <default>
> I tried to use evolutionsource=local:/1302191375.17395.0@mytilus but it
> didnt work.

What other values of "evolutionsource" did you try earlier?

It seems that there were also bugs in the handling of the local:/system
URI that were only fixed in Evolution 3.0. Exact effect unknown. I
suggest that you leave "evolutionsource" empty, the default should work.
If not, then Evolution itself should be in unable to open these

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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