On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Patrick Ohly <patrick.o...@intel.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-12-05 at 12:12 +0100, Chris Kühl wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Patrick Ohly <patrick.o...@intel.com> 
>> wrote:
>> > Here are some requirements for "sync in forked process":
>> >      * should be disabled when running outside of the D-Bus daemon
>> >        (syncevolution command line in non-daemon mode, client-test
>> >        testing)
>> This seems pretty straightforward because when in non-daemon mode none
>> of the src/dbus/server code is touched anyway. I'm hoping to disturb
>> the code in src/syncevo as little as possible. But I've not touched
>> src/syncevolution.cpp much so maybe I'm missing something.
> Yes, this should work. libsyncevolution (aka src/syncevo) communicates
> with the front-end via ConfigUserInterface (implemented differently for
> command line and D-Bus server) and several virtual methods in
> SyncContext (display*(), for example displaySyncProgress()).
> In particular the password request mechanism is very convoluted. I
> haven't written that part myself and each time I look at it, I need to
> trace through the various methods before I can piece together how they
> interact.
> I suspect that this will have to be cleaned up. Perhaps SyncContext
> should be parameterized with instances of ConfigUserIterface and
> SyncUserInterface (new class, would hold the display* functionality)
> instead of deriving from it?
>> >      * interactive password requests through D-Bus must continue to
>> >        work
>> >      * abort/suspend requests via D-Bus must work
>> >      * the forked process should shut down cleanly, so that "valgrind
>> >        --follow-child=yes --leak-check=yes" provides sane results (the
>> >        forked process in a local sync currently fails to do that,
>> >        because it is forked in a less controlled environment and
>> >        therefore just calls _exit())
>> Using fork then exec should mostly relieve us of this issue.
> Agreed.
>> >      * logging:
>> >              * the main syncevo-dbus-server process should use syslog
>> >                logging for its own messages, without redirecting
>> >                stdout/stderr
>> >              * the forked process should start redirecting
>> >                stdout/stderr into the normal logging mechanism (so that
>> >                library error messages are visible when running the
>> >                syncevolution command line as client of the D-Bus server
>> >                and, later, they appear in log files) and switch to a
>> >                session log when the session is ready
>> >
>> I plan to do this work in 3 steps:
>> 1) The first step, which I've started, is to decouple the session and
>> server from each other and also modify objects that require both the
>> session and server objects as needed. Once this is done the server
>> should function as it does now and all tests should pass in order to
>> move on to step 2.
>> 2) Move session into separate binary using a one-to-one dbus
>> connection for communicating between the 2 processes. At this stage
>> only one session is run at a time and all tests should pass as before.
> Please try to keep this flexible. I'd like to use the separate binary
> not only for running sessions, but also for monitoring local and remote
> databases for changes. The main D-Bus server then would get a signal
> that a specific config requires a sync run and would kick of that
> operation when suitable.

When you say 'flexible' I'm assuming you are referring to both the
means by which a new process is spawned and how the communication
channel (peer-to-peer dbus connection) is set up. I'll try to wrap
this up in a way that you can easily make use of it.

>> 3) Enable running multiple concurrent sync sessions. At this stage
>> we'll probably need to add/modify some tests in order to deal with the
>> new functionality.
> Multiple concurrent sync sessions are a can of worms, so careful here.
> The main question is: which sync sessions are allowed to run in
> parallel?

Yes, I was wondering how such resource contention should be dealt with.

> For example, syncing against the same local database in parallel is
> asking for (unnecessary) trouble. If the instance controlling sync
> sessions wants to prevent that, how does it identify the "same
> database"? Backend "foo" + database "xxx" might access the same data as
> backend "bar" + database "yyy" (in theory, at least).
> The original idea was that each database would only be configured once,
> so that source "addressbook" in context "@default" would be unique. But
> this has never been enforced (it can't be, due to the problem above) and
> has not been clearly documented either.

Ideally we'd be able to detect a unique source and build a source
blacklist based on the already running syncs. If a sync wants to use a
source that is already being used *and* that source is not able to
handle concurrent syncs reliably then it gets placed in a queue until
a running sync finishes. At that point the blacklist is updated and
the waiting sync is checked again.

We've got a little bit of time to think about this one. I'll see what
I can come up with along the way.

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