On 09/06/2012 06:18 PM, justus-b...@piater.name wrote:
Let's wait for Patrick to comment.  Perhaps there's a deeper problem
that would also prevent plain-text sync.

I don't think any further problems with text/plain sync would be related to this text/calendar issue. Consider that text/plain sync of memos is very well tested over the years, it's pretty much guaranteed to work on the PC side, while text/calendar sync of memos is a much more recent and immature feature of SyncEvolution. Any further problems with text/plain would probably be fairly Harmattan-specific, and I don't think Patrick would be able to guess anything there - the only way to discover problems would be to build a package and try it.

An unrelated question: Harmattan Notes can do all sorts of font
attributes.  There's no way for these to survive a sync, right?

Hmm, I didn't know about that ability. Interesting, seems you can tap in the text area to bring up a font toolbar.

It's probably just HTML. There's no reason that couldn't be synced. (I suppose that ideally, the sync format would then be text/html rather than text/plain, but I don't think SyncML knows the difference, it's probably all text/plain to it.)
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