I have reviewed the changes (from the user point of view, not the
code) and they look fine for me.
Thank you, jcome!
I want to ask just one thing - can you change the colors of keys to
yellow (for next keyframe/previous keyframe buttons). That will allow
users to distinguish them from other similar button more easily.

Another thing considering github.
If you will create another repository of synfig someday, please don't
create new one. Just fork existing - https://github.com/synfig/synfig
. This is just a recommendation. That way you will be able to use lots
of benefits offered by github for collaboration and it will be easier
to mix the changes.
Thank you for your contributions again!

2011/8/17 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>:
> Hi!
> It is perfectly possible to pull from your repository and merge it to
> master. Even it is prefereible for changes with the entity you're doing.
> Patches are for things like a single commit with modifications on a few
> files and about one matter only. If for some reason your code has to be
> debugged it is better always to have its different commits to make a
> bisection search.
> Please give some time to get back to Synfig coding. I've just finished my
> vacations and now that I come back to day by day routine, my free time is
> very unfrequent. I'll try to make a pull and local merge to see if there are
> any problem. Then I'll create one branch for your work and sent it to synfig
> repo. Later, once I start the release procedure I'll start to merge all the
> branches and do the testing.
> Once again, thank you very much for your contribution!.
> I would like to tell you more things that I'm thinking now.
> As you already know, nikitakit has been working on several aspects of the
> GUI. He has done some good jobs on the ducks area tools and and the gui
> render. I'm working confortably on the area of synfig core, although there
> are some things that I know that I don't have enough knowledge to work on
> (multithreading specially) but I feel strong to continue polishing the
> synfig core and even try to implement new importers, sound libraries or
> similar.
> Synfig Studio there are two main areas: synfigapp and gui. Synfigapp is made
> by everything that is Synfig Studio related but that doesn't have a
> particular interface imlplementation. Gui is the current gtkmm
> implementation of the visible part of synfigapp
> I've touched and half understand the structure of the gui and I've worked
> with actions (synfigapp) a lot and  I think understand (mostly) synfigapp.
> The user experience is mainly done by the gui. You will agree with me that
> it is totally needed a gui reestructure to increase user satisfaction and
> increase user productivity. See post at forum:
> http://synfig.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2983
> So my idea is that you lead the gui re-estructutation with the help of
> nikitakit and me. Of course it will be at your rate and only if you agree.
> But I think that the gui changes can be made step by step (little changes)
> when possible and then if a great change is needed then we would work all
> together.
> To do the gui re-estructure work I propose to start with a brainstorm of
> ideas grouped by every aspect of the gui:
> Mouse interaction
> Menus
> Keyboad shortcuts
> Tools & tools options.
> Layers/parameters
> Timetrack/waypoints/keyframes
> Single window, multiple documents
> Once collected there should be a filter session and one agreement on the
> master lines to achieve.
> Then compare with the current behavior and start a todo list.
> What do you think?
> Greetings
> Carlos
> http://synfig.org
> El 17 de agosto de 2011 10:40, Yu Chen <jco...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> Hi Genete,
>> I have done some updates for synfig-studio, and pushed all these to the
>> github.com:jcome/synfig_jcome, under jcome branch, it was sync with the
>> master branch from synfig official git repository. The list of these
>> changes,  also you can take a look all the commits[1] in my repository:
>>     1) Update preview/render option icons
>>     2) Use toggle button as animate mode switch button
>>     3) Use two toggle buttons as keyframe locks buttons instead of one
>> button
>>     4) Merge "seek to prev/next keyframe" into framedial (seek to
>> begin/end/pre frame/next frame)
>>     5) Add animate edit mode icons
>>     6) Update keyframe lock icons
>>     7) Add framedial icons
>>     8) Use frame based sif file for multi-icons in one sif file, including
>> animate mode on/off, keyframe locks, framedial, and the installation script
>> (Makefile.am) under "images" are updated as well.
>>     9) Update some tooltips as we discussed in a forum thread[2]
>> And now I have questions:  What is better way for you to review / accept
>> these changes? Is it possible to pull from my github repository, or do I
>> have to submit patches in SF's patches tracker?
>> [1] https://github.com/jcome/synfig_jcome/commits/jcome/synfig-studio
>> [2] http://www.synfig.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2967
>> Thanks in advance
>> --
>> jcome


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