sounds like an other killer feature you will bring  to synfig.

In case Synfig Studio is used by animation artists, the CSV[1] file support
would be welcomed, users can create their value node file in office suite
comfortably .

发件人: Carlos López González <>
发送时间: ‎2014/‎4/‎1 14:13
主题: Re: [Synfig-devl] Value Node from File

Hi Charlie thanks for your suggestions and comments.

Yes, it is better to allow user to specify interpolation in and out for
each value entry. But I would propose one alternative:
1) Default interpolation must be defined on file header. If not defined
(which is user responsibility) then the default from UI will be used.
2) If not interpolation (in or out) labels are found for a particular value
entry, then the default is used.

This way, when the interpolation is always the same (in many, many cases)
there is not need to write the interpolation for each value entry, which
might be tedious for a hand made input file.

On the other hand, bool and string values doesn't allow interpolation so
individual interpolation in/out for a string value or a bool value will be
ignored. It would result always constant interpolation, whatever
interpolation type you use.

For example if it finds this entry for a string type:

24 This is a example of string with ease meaning... clamp, clamp, clamp!

Would parse as:
At frame 24 value for string is "This is a example of string with ease
meaning... clamp, clamp, clamp! HALT", that is, the whole right part of the
line is considered as the string itself and no interpolation token is

Respect to the frame format, I think that we should stick to frames only.
Most of the outputs of the applications use frames as time basis. If there
is need to use time (real value) for the time (and ignore the FPS value)
then it can be added later. So the 'f' at the end of your example wouldn't
be needed.

More suggestions?

2014-04-01 0:54 GMT+02:00 Charlie Murphy <>:

> Hi Genete,
> I like the simplicity of that format.  One question: would a single
> interpolation be used for all Value Nodes or could you change them
> separately?
> Maybe there could be optional columns for interpolation, so to share
> them consistently across projects.
> 0f      10.0    clamp   ease
> 6f      12.0    ease    clamp
> 20f     18.0    clamp   clamp
> -Charlie
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