Woaaa, that looks very interesting, thanks for the link !!


Le 09/10/2014 21:08, d.j....@free.fr a écrit :
> http://www.dalboris.com/research/vgc/
> "Basic topological modeling, such as the ability to have several faces share 
> a common edge, has been largely absent from vector graphics. We introduce the 
> vector graphics complex (VGC) as a simple data structure to support 
> fundamental topological modeling operations for vector graphics 
> illustrations. The VGC can represent any arbitrary non-manifold topology as 
> an immersion in the plane, unlike planar maps which can only represent 
> embeddings. This allows for the direct representation of incidence 
> relationships between objects and can therefore more faithfully capture the 
> intended semantics of many illustrations, while at the same time keeping the 
> geometric flexibility of stacking-based systems. We describe and implement a 
> set of topological editing operations for the VGC, including glue, unglue, 
> cut, and uncut."
> Nota : i have created a wiki page to records that kind of things 
> http://wiki.synfig.org/wiki/Dev:Research_Paper
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