I have been going through all of this information, there is a lot to parse
through. I will come up with a plan to start moving forward on these
things. I will look into the wiki update.
I am still ingesting everything that has been done and needs to be done
with the servers.

I have not seen any replies from Dave unless I missed them before I joined
the mailing list. I want to make sure we are not wasting time trying to
work on the same things.

--Bryan Vest

On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 6:13 PM, Kevin A. McGrail <kmcgr...@apache.org>

> Dave and Bryan, below is my latest attempt at the how to information for
> sysadmins.
> Can one of you please take on incorporating this into the wiki?
> Apache SpamAssassin SysAdmin How-To
> NOTE: This was written in April of 2017 to help modernize our system
> records
> - Other records: See https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DevelopmentStuff
> - This document will likely be used to replace that page.
> - Wiki Access:
> Write access to the wiki is to anyone who has created a login name on the
> wiki
> whose name has been added to the page
> https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/ContributorsGroup
> Write access to that page is to anyone whose wiki login name has been
> added to
> https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/AdminGroup
> - Members of SA SysAdmins (SASA):
> Dave Jones -  da...@apache.org
> Kevin A. McGrail - 703-798-0171 - kmcgr...@apache.org
> Bryan Vest - bv...@apache.org
> - Who's in Charge?
> The PMC.  There is no leadership hierarchy in the SpamAssassin SysAdmins.
> NOTE: As with any ASF role, if you follow The Apache Way, you should feel
> empowered to Just Do It (TM Nike)
> For a SysAdmin, your solution works (Merit), it's well documented (Open)
> and supports the project (Community), you're good to go though as a
> SysAdmin you need to realize we have control over private data.  All SASA
> members have been asked to follow the LISA Code of Ethics.
> Tenants we Follow:
>   - The Apache Way, Shane Curcuru's post on this are a good point:
> http://theapacheway.com/
>   - LISA/Sage Code of Ethics, https://www.pccc.com/base.cgim
> ?template=sage_code_of_ethics
> Important Resources:
>   The ASF Infrastructure (Infra) Jira: https://issues.apache.org/jira
> /secure/Dashboard.jspa - Sign up at Jira isn't single sign on enabled.
>   SpamAssassin Bugzilla: https://bz.apache.org/SpamAssassin/
> Short-hand Notes:
>   There are a lot of acronyms, even those that might be basic that will be
> defined here if we find there is confusion to make it easier to bring new
> sysadmin's onboard to make many hands make light work.
>     Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
>     Bugzilla (BZ)
>     Apache SpamAssassin (SA)
>     PMC (Project Management Committee)
>     SVN (SubVersioN)
> Mailing Lists:
>   - There is a dedicated SASA Mailing list sysadmins@spamassassin.apache.
> org.  Additionally, our machines largely support the Rule QA process so
> rul...@spamassassin.apache.org should be subscribed to.
> Credentials:
>   - There are legacy shared credentials.  These must be encrypted and
> stored in SVN.
> - To sudo to root, you need to use OPIE - See
> https://reference.apache.org/committer/opie
> DNS for SpamAssassin.org:
> - The server creates DNS entries on the fly so we do not use the ASF
> infrastructure for DNS.  We have a hidden master that pushes to Hyperreal
> and Sonic
>   Contact for HyperReal is Brian Behlendorf
>   Contact for Sonic is grant.kel...@sonic.com
> The information located here:
> https://wiki.sonic.net/wiki/Secondary_DNS_Service is the current
> configuration information you will need.
> - Project Machines
> This is a short description of the machines involved including those that
> USED to exist and why.
> OLD:
> - Hyperion.Apache.org - ftp://ftp.ist.utl.pt/apache/de
> v/machines.html#hyperion shows this was likely a solaris box that I had
> access to when zones died and I had to recover data.
> - SpamAssassin.zones.apache.org - DIED - was replaced with spamassassin-vm
> - SpamAssassin.zones2.apache.org - deprecated by Infra
> - spamassassin-vm.apache.org - deprecated by Infra
> - incoming.apache.org - Donated by Sonic
> - sa-vm1.apache.org - Ubuntu box to replace spamassassin-vm and zones2
> - Other Aliases: buildbot, ruleqa (there might be more).
> Also, this is an ASF box for all committers:
> - Minotaur.apache.org aka People - This used to handle various build and
> devel related tasks.   Minotaur.apache.org for ssh (It appears that
> minotaur is not the proper server anymore.  I used home.apache.org per
> some links that Sidney sent.  (Home.apache.org and people.apache.org
> resolve to the same IP.)
> - Backups:
> There are no backups of these machines save what is stored in SVN or that
> KAM has made.
> Specifically, what backups does KAM have as of 2017/05/08:
>   - Hyperion.apache.org - N/A
>   - Incoming.apache.org aka colo - Backup on KAM's Crashplan
>   - minotaur.apache.org (NOTE: Aka People) - N/A
>   - sa-vm1.apache.org - Backup on KAM's Crashplan
>   - Spamassassin-vm.apache.org - Backup on KAM's Crashplan - Mar 15, 2017
> - There is also a backup on sa-vm1 in /x1.
>   - spamassassin2.zones.apache.org - Backup on KAM's Crashplan from
> Approximately Jun 2015 last backup.  Also have an Rsync copy from June 3,
> 2015 on PCCC TalonJR machine - And there is also a copy on sa-vm1 in /x1
> - Ubuntu?
> Ubuntu is the ASF Infrastructures OS of choice.  Supporting others is not
> an option at this time.
> - How to get access to each machine:
> sa-vm1.apache.org (current as of 4/28/17)
>   - Open a Jira ticket with the availid of the person(s) you want to have
> access. Note if they need sudo access or not.
>   - User self maintains their ssh-key at id.apache.org
>   - NOTE: if sudo access was requested, run and sets up 'ortpasswd'
> - Why all the boxes?
> The resources for Masscheck can be very intensive on CPU, Ram and disk I/O
> intensive.  Over the years, many boxes have been consolidated, donated,
> lost, replaced, moved under ASF Infrastructure or just fell over and sank
> into the swamp.
> - Some boxes are just names for other boxes
>  trap-proc.spamassassin.org. Sonic has scripts set up to archive
> collected spam to that server.
> KAM Goals for SysAdmin:
> - For KAM, Apache SpamAssassin is a framework for writing goals. I deliver
> goals to prove the code works but I don't view that the project has to
> provide rules.  Others may disagree but I don't see the value in masscheck,
> ruleqa, etc. when there is not enough people using the data.
> - Once you have an account on Minotaur/Home/People, goto
> people.apache.org/~kmcgrail and make a duplicate for you.  NOTE: This is
> documented SOMEWHERE but no idea where.
> GOAL: Get it so I have your PGP key and put the signature for your PGP key
> into id.apache.org
> SVN:
> - You need access to https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/ for
> sysadmin, dns and site.
> - In the ASF, we use http for read-only access to a repo and https for
> read-write.  So if you are trying to checkout and modify a repo, make sure
> you are using https://
> Encrypted SVN:
> - If you can, document things in the Wiki at
> https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DevelopmentStuff.  If something is
> sensitive, encrypt it and store it on the https://svn.apache.org/repos/a
> sf/spamassassin/sysadmins repo and reference it on the Wiki.
> SSH:
> The systems use One Password In Everything (OPIE) to elevate your access
> via sudo.  Some resources: https://reference.apache.org/committer/opie
> and https://reference.apache.org/committer/otp-md5
> How to Onboard someone as a SysAdmin:
> - A PMC Member nominates a new SASA member as a committer since we store
> items in SVN for configs
> NOTE: If they later produce code, they should request that permission from
> the PMC.
> - If the vote is successful, they then follow all the normal committer
> guidelines to get them an Apache ID including an appropriate committer
> license: https://www.apache.org/dev/new-committers-guide.html
> - Once they have an Apache ID, they should:
>   - SASA Member signs up for an Infra Jira account at
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Signup!default.jspa?
>   - SASA Member adds an SSH public key to id.apache.org
>   - Add your PGP public key.  http://people.apache.org/~kmcgrail/
>   - Create an account on our Wiki
>   - Email sysadmins-subscr...@spamassassin.apache.org
>   - Email sysadmins@spamassassin.apache.org and ask for karma to access
> sa-vm1 with sudo access
>   - Email sysadmins@spamassassin.apache.org and ask for your account to
> be added to https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/ContributorsGroup and
> https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/AdminGroup
>   - Start looking at https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DevelopmentStuff
> under infrastruction
> - Someone with Karma needs to:
>   - Approve request to sysadmins mailing list
>   - Add them to ContributorsGroup and AdminGroup on Wikki
>   - Open a JIRA ticket at issues.apache.org similar to INFRA-14045 to get
> them access to our box
> --
> Kevin A. McGrail
> Asst. Treasurer, Apache Software Foundation
> Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project

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