On 5/12/2017 7:32 PM, Dave Jones wrote:
I have all of this information on https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/InfraNotes2017 now. Please review and comment/update as needed.

Overall, the organization and edits are very good. Thanks for fixing Tenets, I knew that word looked wrong!

I added a goal section with my goal. I suggest you add your goal as well and I've put this on the onboarding task list.

Rather than edit directly, I wanted to ask that you do it to look at what I wrote and to explain why it's needed. NOTE: Some of these are edited from the previous send as I look them over again.

*- Credentials:*
- There are legacy shared credentials for elevated access on older machines. These must be encrypted and stored in SVN. The project is slowly moving away from these concepts.

*- Under DNS, *List Hyperreal and that it is currently offline because we can't get DJBDNS to transfer a record.
   Contact for HyperReal is Brian Behlendorf

- I would also add this information for Sonic in case their IPs change, etc.

https://wiki.sonic.net/wiki/Secondary_DNS_Service is the current
configuration information you will need.

I don't see this section and it will be important in the detective work as you read scripts. Even I have to refer to it quite often when I come across legacy documentation to figure out where something points to now.

*- Project Machines*

This is a short description of the machines involved including those that USED to exist and why.

- Hyperion.Apache.org - ftp://ftp.ist.utl.pt/apache/dev/machines.html#hyperion shows this was likely a solaris box that I had access to when zones died and I had to recover data.
- SpamAssassin.zones.apache.org - DIED - was replaced with spamassassin-vm
- SpamAssassin.zones2.apache.org - deprecated by Infra
- spamassassin-vm.apache.org - deprecated by Infra

- incoming.apache.org - Donated by Sonic
- sa-vm1.apache.org - Ubuntu box to replace spamassassin-vm and zones2

- Other Aliases: buildbot, ruleqa (there might be more).

Also, this is an ASF box for all committers:

- Minotaur.apache.org aka People - This used to handle various build and devel related tasks. Minotaur.apache.org for ssh (It appears that minotaur is not the proper server anymore. I used home.apache.org per some links that Sidney sent. (Home.apache.org and people.apache.org resolve to the same IP.)

*Under the standards,* I would add this as someone will ask if we can use XYZ - Ubuntu? Ubuntu is the ASF Infrastructures OS of choice. Supporting others is not an option at this time.

*I think this section is important *especially because it needs others added to it.

- How to get access to each machine:

sa-vm1.apache.org (current as of 4/28/17)
- Open a Jira ticket with the availid of the person(s) you want to have access. Note if they need sudo access or not.
   - User self maintains their ssh-key at id.apache.org
   - NOTE: if sudo access was requested, run and sets up 'ortpasswd'

*I would add this:*

- Why all the boxes?

The resources for Masscheck can be very intensive on CPU, Ram and disk I/O intensive. Over the years, many boxes have been consolidated, donated, lost, replaced, moved under ASF Infrastructure or just fell over and sank into the swamp.

- Some boxes are just names for other boxes
trap-proc.spamassassin.org. Sonic has scripts set up to archive collected spam to that server.

*I would add this:*

- You need access to https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/ for sysadmin, dns and site. - In the ASF, we use http for read-only access to a repo and https for read-write. So if you are trying to checkout and modify a repo, make sure you are using https://

Encrypted SVN:
- If you can, document things in the Wiki at https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DevelopmentStuff. If something is sensitive, encrypt it and store it on the https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/sysadmins repo and reference it on the Wiki.

*The onboarding workflow *shouldn't include the important resources or acronyms IMO. Those are good for everyone which ties into...

*The onboarding workflow *should have the extra steps added back not just the pointer to important resources. I am making it self-fulfilled and self-driven and trying to have a specific set of steps done so they can get to work as quickly as possible.

- Once they have an Apache ID, they should:

- SASA Member signs up for an Infra Jira account at https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Signup!default.jspa?
   - SASA Member adds an SSH public key to id.apache.org
   - Add your PGP public key.  http://people.apache.org/~kmcgrail/
   - Create an account on our Wiki
   - Email sysadmins-subscr...@spamassassin.apache.org
- Email sysadmins@spamassassin.apache.org and ask for karma to access sa-vm1 with sudo access - Email sysadmins@spamassassin.apache.org and ask for your account to be added to https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/ContributorsGroup and https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/AdminGroup - Start looking at https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DevelopmentStuff under infrastructure - Update the Wiki with your Goals as a member of the SpamAssassin SysAdmins - Send an introduction email to the sysadmins mailing list. Typical topics have been your history with computers, what you do now and contact information.

- Someone with Karma needs to:
   - Approve request to sysadmins mailing list
   - Add them to ContributorsGroup and AdminGroup on Wikki
- Open a JIRA ticket at issues.apache.org similar to INFRA-14045 to get them access to our box

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