Hi folks.

Here's a revised version of my requirements doc.  It's now
"feature complete" but still needs another round of review
before it can be widely published.

In particular...

   * Magosanyi, please review sections referencing [Arpad],
     which include statements based on your previous
     comments to me.
   * Mark R., similarly for [Roth].
   * Balazs, similarly for [Scheidler] and also the section
     on syslog-ng.
   * Chris L., please review how I have referenced your own
     draft through [Lonvick].  Also please offer me any
     guidance on "next steps" in the Internet Draft process
     (as your new position as the grand and exalted chairman

     of the IETF Syslog WG).
   * Darren, please review my coverage of Nsyslogd.
   * Herve, similarly for my coverage of ULM.  I also
     apologize for not having the accent mark over the e,
     but such are the IETF's requirements for ASCII text.

Security  Issues  in  Network  Event                           C. Calabrese
Logging (syslog)                                               August 2000
Expires: XXXX XX, 200X

      Requirements for a System Event Logging Protocol

Status of this Memo

   This  document  is  an  Internet-Draft  and  is  in  full
   conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

   Internet-Drafts are working  documents  of  the  Internet
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   The key words 'MUST', 'MUST  NOT',  'REQUIRED',  'SHALL',
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   interpreted as described in RFC 2119[1].

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   Copyright  (C)  The  Internet Society (2000).  All Rights

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INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

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   This document presents requirements  for  sending  system
   event/audit  logs over the Internet.  In developing these
   requirements, it considers the need for  log  management,
   security,   high-performance,   and   compatibility  with
   existing practice.

Table of Contents

    1   Introduction                                     ???
    2   Log Reporting Considerations                     ???
    3   Security Considerations                          ???
    4   Resource Utilization                             ???
    5   Existing Practice                                ???
    6   Conclusions                                      ???
    7   References                                       ???
    8   Author's Addresses                               ???

1.  Introduction

   Computer  systems  often  need   to   "log"   or   record
   information  about  important  events.   In many systems,
   these event logs  are  recorded  locally,  in  persistent
   storage  within the system where the event occurs.  These
   messages may also be transmitted to a remote system where
   persistent  storage takes place.  Reasons for such remote
   transmission include event logging  on  systems  with  no
   local persistent storage and centralization of log record

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

   This memo  concerns  itself  with  the  requirements  for
   transmitting  log  messages  over  an  Internet  Protocol
   network, including requirements for log management, event
   correlation,  security,  performance,  and  compatibility
   with existing practice.   This  is  only  a  requirements
   document.   The  architecture  and specifications for the
   delivery options will be detailed in subsequent RFCs.

2.  Log Reporting Considerations

   2.1  Introduction and Rational

      The ultimate reason for transmitting log messages over
      the network is so that these messages can be examined,
      whether by humans or by  computer  programs,  to  find
      anomolous  events,  statistics  on  past  performance,
      indications of future trends, or other information  of
      interest  to  the examiner.  Although the transmission
      of the messages itself is not directly related to this
      examination,   the  systems  related  to  transmission
      should aid the process of examination to  the  largest
      extent practical.

   2.2  Identification of Event Threads

      Since  logging  system  tend  to generate and transmit
      discrete event messages, one  of  the  most  important
      reporting  requirements  for a logging system is to be
      able to  figure  out  how  those  event  messages  fit
      together  to  form a thread of messages about the same

      Messages in a thread are typically identified  by  the
      originating  machine  the program or sub-system on the
      originating machine, and the instance of that  program
      or  sub-system.   Additionally,  some kind of sequence
      information must be present to determine the order  of
      event messages in the thread.

      In   most   cases,  the  originating  machine  can  be
      determined by the source IP address  of  log  messages
      and  the  sequence determined by the order of arriving
      packets (UDP) or relative ordering in the transmission
      stream  (TCP).   However, the IP address can be forged
      and is therefore unreliable.  Similarly,  an  attacker
      could  reorder  packets in a UDP stream.  Furthermore,
      there  is  no   easy   method   of   determining   the
      program/sub-system and its instance on the originating
      machine without including such identifying information
      directly  in  the  message.  Therefore, it seems plain
      that the logging messages must  directly  contain  all
      these pieces of information in order to facilitate the

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

      identification of event threads.

      This issue is also discussed in the  Security  section

   2.3  Event Correlation

      In  addition  to identifying event messages within the
      same incident thread from the same source, it is  also
      desirable  to  correlate  messages  regarding the same
      incident  from  multiple  sources.   This  implies   a
      standard  mechanism for identifying incidents based on
      various criteria such as the time the event  occurred,
      IP addresses of network entities involved, etc.

   2.4  Event Filters

      2.4.1  Introduction and Rational
         Selecting  which events to transmit reduces network
         load.   Selecting  which  events  to  accept   when
         transmitted reduces the amount of data that must be
         processed by higher-level software and  which  must
         be   persistently  stored.   The  log  transmission
         protocols can help these efforts by making it  easy
         to select events for filtering.

      2.4.2  Filtering By Source
         The  most obvious attribute to filter data on in an
         Internet Protocol network is the source IP  address
         of the data.

      2.4.3  Filtering By Priority
         Another obvious filter would be by message priority
         so that high priority messages  can  be  posted  as
         alarms, very low priority messages ignored, etc.

      2.4.4  Filtering By Facility
         Not  all  high priority messages should necessarily
         be  handled  the  same  way.   Aside  from  message
         priority,  the  primary  method of filtering in the
         traditional  syslog  system[2],  is  by   something
         called  the message facility (LOG_AUTH, LOG_DAEMON,
         LOG_MAIL, etc.).

      2.4.5  Filtering By Other Attributes
         Source address, priority and  facility  are  by  no
         means  the  only pieces of information log messages
         will need to be filtered by.   Indeed,  just  about
         any  attribute  of  a log message is fair game, and
         the potential attributes too numerous to  enumerate
         here.  Some have argued that log messages should be
         structured to make such filtering easier (and  some
         structure    is    already    needed   for   thread

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

         identification,  event   correlation,   and   other
         reasons);  however,   others have argued that rigid
         structures are not needed if filters are  based  on
         regular expressions[3].

3.  Security Considerations

   3.1  Introduction and Rational

      According   to   the  Department  of  Defense  Trusted
      Computer   System    Evaluation    Criteria[4],    the
      fundamental requirements for computer security are:

        1.  An  explicit  and  well-defined  security policy
            enforced by the system.

        2.  Access control labels associated with objects.

        3.  Identification of individual subjects.

        4.  Selective  storage  and  protection   of   audit
            records  so  that actions affecting security can
            be traced to the responsible party.

        5.  Assurance  that  the  computer  system  enforces
            security requirements.

        6.  Trusted  mechanisms  that  enforce  these  basic
            requirements  that  are  continuously  protected
            against tampering and/or unauthorized changes.

      In  the case of system event logs, the logs themselves
      may contain the aforementioned audit records.

   3.2  Implications

      3.2.1  Policies
         The questions of what appropriate policies are  for
         system  logging  and how to enforce them are beyond
         the scope of this memo.  However, any protocol  for
         transmitting  log  messages  must take into account
         the fact that different systems may have  different
         security   policies.    Therefore,  such  protocols
         should not  require  adherence  to  any  particular

      3.2.2  Access Control Labels
         Access  control  labels  fall  into two categories.
         Discretionary access controls (DAC's -  think  *nix
         file  permissions)  and  mandatory  access controls
         (MAC's - secret, top-secret, etc.).

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

         In the case of system log messages, DAC labels  map
         neatly  into  the  facility  tags  present  in  the
         existing syslog system[2].  Note that this  implies
         that   facility   tags   must  be  present  in  all

         On the surface, MAC labels would  seem  to  require
         some  kind  of  hierarchical identification scheme.
         However, by  including  support  for  DAC,  we  can
         reduce  this from a hierarchical scheme to a simple
         ordered scheme.  Additionally, if we recognize that
         logs  operating  at  lower priority also tend to be
         much more verbose, then we  can  allow  an  inverse
         relationship  between MAC labels and log priorities
         as used in the existing syslog  system  (LOG_DEBUG,
         LOG_INFO,  LOG_NOTICE,  LOG_WARNING,  etc.)[2].  In
         other words, higher-priority messages may  be  more
         widely viewed and less widely created.  Conversely,
         lower-priority messages may be less  widely  viewed
         but  more  widely  created.  Note that this implies
         that message priority and  facility  tags  must  be
         present in all messages[5].

         Also  note  that  a strictly TSEC environment would
         require the protocol and the  components  operating
         on  it to either act as a multilevel channel or use
         distinct single-level channels for each set of  MAC
         labels.   A  true  multilevel channel would require
         much closer mapping to the native MAC  labels  than
         the  simple  mapping described above.  Furthermore,
         the any non-MAC to MAC transitions must be done  in
         a single-level channel only.  [4] [5]

      3.2.3  Identification
         Ideally,  we  want  to  be  able  to show by strong
         identification    mechanisms     (i.e.,     digital
         signatures)   that   a   certain  log  message  was
         generated by a certain program running with certain
         privileges/user-id   on  a  certain  machine  at  a
         certain time.   This  not  only  allows  the  exact
         subject  originating  the message to be identified,
         but also allows non-repudiation of the messages and
         easy  correlation  of  events  between machines for
         purposes such as intrusion detection and forensics.

         The   most   obvious   way   of  implementing  such
         identification is to issue a digital signature  key
         to  each  program/user/machine  combination  and to
         require all messages to be thusly signed.  However,
         this  runs  into  two major problems.  The first is
         one of key management (i.e.,  there  are  too  many
         keys  to  manage) and the second one of performance
         (i.e.,  not   all   log   messages   require   such

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

         identification  capabilities  and  not all machines
         have the horsepower to supply them).   However,  if
         the logging mechanism on the originating machine is
         part of the system's trusted computing base  (TCB),
         then  it is sufficient for TCB to sign the identity
         of the log messages on  the  originating  program's
         behalf when directed to do so.

         Note  that  it is not necessary for each message to
         be digitally signed  in  its  entirity.   A  common
         practice is to negotiate and sign a sessoin key and
         then use that key to encrypt a  message  digest  or
         message authentication code (MAC) of the individual

      3.2.4  Selective Storage
         Essentially this boils down to the requirement that
         the originator of a log message have the capability
         to detect that a particular message has or has  not
         reached its destination.  This does not necessarily
         imply that only one copy of the message  may  reach
         its  destination  or  that  the  sender  must block
         waiting for  delivery  notification,  which  leaves
         some  room  to  balance  this  requirement  against
         issues such as performance[7].  On the other  hand,
         the  Department  of Defense Trusted Computer System
         Evaluation Criteria[4] requires security  sensitive
         applications   to  shut  down  if  they  can't  log
         security-related events, so the capability to block
         waiting  for  delivery notification must be present
         in such environments.

      3.2.5  Assurance
         Issues  such   as   protocol   and   implementation
         evaluation    against    security    policies   and
         requirements are beyond the  scope  of  this  memo.
         However,   we   can   address   this   issue  at  a
         requirements level by observing that  all  security
         policies  center  around confidentially, integrity,
         and availability.
            It  is  generally  acknowledged  that  the  only
            practical  way  to  achieve  confidentiality  of
            messages  traveling  over  an  open  network  is
            through the use of cryptography.
            Integrity   of   log   messages  boils  down  to
            identification of the  sender,  immutability  of
            messages  without  detection, and assurance that
            logs    have    reached    their    destination.
            Identification and immutability can be addressed

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

            through digital signatures as discussed  in  the
            Identification   section  above.   Assurance  of
            delivery, is discussed in the Selective  Storage
            section above.
            The  following  seem reasonable requirements for

              1.  Logging  mechanisms  should  be  able   to
                  transmit  their  log  messages to multiple
                  destinations.   Therefore  increasing  the
                  probability  that  at  least  one  will be

              2.  Logging protocols should make it  easy  to
                  filter    unwanted    messages   received.
                  Therefore reducing the  possibility  of  a
                  denial  of service attack on the recipient
                  through the generation of bogus  messages.

              3.  Logging  protocols  should not require log
                  senders to wait synchronously for positive
                  acknowledgement  of  messages  sent before
                  sending    any    additional     messages.
                  Therefore making denial of service attacks
                  on log senders more difficult through  the
                  generation   of  excessive  traffic  on  a
                  particular network link.   Note  that  not
                  requiring applications to wait for postive
                  acknowledgement is not the same  thing  as
                  precluding   them  from  waiting[7].   The
                  Department  of  Defense  Trusted  Computer
                  System   Evaluation  Criteria[4]  requires
                  security sensitive  applications  to  shut
                  down  if  they  can't log security-related
                  events, so the capability to block waiting
                  for  delivery notification must be present
                  in such environments.

              4.  Logging  protocols  should   provide   the
                  capability  to  retransmit  unacknowledged
                  messages.  Therefore also making denial of
                  service   attacks   on  log  senders  more
                  difficult  through   the   generation   of
                  excessive  traffic on a particular network
                  link.  Note  that  this  facility  may  be
                  provided  by lower level protocols such as
                  by the data integrity features of  TCP[6].
                  This  implies  degraded  capabilities when
                  running over other lower level  protocols,
                  which  may  be  a  reasonable trade-off on
                  many circumstances.

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

            High availability  protocol  and  implementation
            issues  such  as  high-availability  clustering,
            resistance to buffer overrun attacks,  etc.  are
            beyond the scope of this memo.

      3.2.6  Trusted Mechanisms
         This area is beyond the scope of this memo.

   3.3  Protocol Level for Cryptographic Functions

      One  open  issue  from the above discussion is whether
      cryptographic functions for identification  signatures
      and confidentiality should be performed at the network
      transport  layer  or  at   higher-level   application-
      specific protocols.

      Performing  these  functions  at the network transport
      layer allows  the  use  of  standard  transport  layer
      security     mechanisms     (TLS,    IPsec),    making
      implementation easier and possibly leading  to  higher
      performance   due  to  hardware  assist  for  standard
      mechanisms,  smaller  memory  footprint   on   devices
      already  supporting  such  mechanisms,  etc.   It also
      allows filtering of garbage messages at a lower level,
      making denial of service attacks more difficult.

      On  the  other  hand, having identification signatures
      operate at the network transport level means rejecting
      all  unsigned  or  improperly  signed  messages  since
      signing  information  will  be  lost  to  the   higher
      protocol layers.  Since not all devices generating log
      messages will have sufficient computing  abilities  to
      sign  all  messages  and not all messages will contain
      information requiring signature, can  be  problematic.
      Furthermore,   signing   and   encrypting   individual
      messages  facilitates   being   able   to   show   the
      confidentiality  and  integrity  of  messages  without
      needing to show full chain-of-custody  or  prove  that
      all links in the chain were appropriately trusted.

      Therefore,   network   logging  systems  should  allow
      cryptographic identification functions to be performed
      both at the network transport layer and also at higher
      layers.  Cryptographic confidentiality  functions,  on
      the  other  hand, are likely to be more appropriate at
      the network transport level.

4.  Resource Utilization Considerations

   From  a  logging  protocol  standpoint,   the   following
   resources may be considered:

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

     1.  CPU/memory  utilization  on  the  sending system to
         marshal internal log messages into the  on-the-wire
         protocol,  including any encryption, siging, and/or

     2.  On-the-wire   bandwidth   utilization,    including
         amenability  for  the  protocol to be compressed by
         hardware compressors.

     3.  CPU/memory  utilization  on  the  receiving  system
         decompress, filter, verify the integrity of, and/or
         store incoming messages.

   Most of these considerations  argue  for  a  simple  text
   based protocol that is easy to marshal and compress where
   application-level compression, encryption, and signatures
   are  a  configurable option.  However, the need to filter
   messages argues for a more structured  protocol  to  make
   filtering  easier.  Futhermore, there may be interactions
   between the  encryption  mechanism  and  the  ability  to
   compress the message stream.

5.  Existing Practice

   5.1  Existing syslog

      The syslog system is probably the most widely deployed
      mechanism for storing, filtering, and transferring log
      message  over  the  network.  It is ubiquitous in *nix
      environments, being bundled with all *nix flavors.  It
      is  also  heavily used by routers, switches, and other
      network applicances where its ability to transmit logs
      over the network, its simplicity, and the availability
      of free implementations make it a natural choice.   It
      has  even  crept  into  usage in the Microsoft Windows
      world, where the native logging system does  not  work
      well  in  large  networked  environments  nor  can  it
      interoperate with  the  logging  mechanisms  of  other
      operating systems.

      Unfortunately,  syslog  also has some very serious and
      widely recognized weaknesses.[8]

        1.  Message authenticity is based  on  easy-to-spoof
            IP addresses.

        2.  There   is   no   mechanism  to  assure  message
            confidentiality or integrity.

        3.  The protocol  does  not  guarantee  delivery  of
            messages, or ordered delivery of messages.

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

        4.  The  relatively  unstructure  nature  of  syslog
            messages makes them difficult to  filter  and/or

      Several  systems  have  been  devised  to improve upon
      syslog, and the rest  of  this  section  will  address

   5.2  Schneier and Kelsey

      Bruce Schneier and John Kelsey of Counterpane Internet
      Security presented a paper at the the  Seventh  USENIX
      Security  Symposium  on  cryptographic mecahanisms for
      preserving message integrity and confidentiality  when
      storing log messages on an untrusted system.[9].  They
      also presented a follow-up paper  on  accessing  those
      logs  over  a  network  at  the  Second  International
      Workshop on the Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection
      (RAID  '99).[10]   To  the  best  of  my knowledge, no
      practical implementations  of  this  system  has  been

   5.3  Nsyslogd

      Nsyslogd  is a drop-in syslog replacement developed by
      Darren Reed of The Australian National University that
      sports improved filtering based on regular expressions
      and guaranteed message delivery and  ordering  through
      the uses of TCP as a transport mechanism.[11]

   5.4  Secure Syslog

      Secure  Syslog  is another drop-in syslog replacement,
      this one developed by  Core-SDI.   It  offers  message
      integrity  and  confidentiality guarantees through the
      use of Core-SDI's PEO-1 cryptographic protocol.[12]

   5.5  ULM

      ULM  is  a  toolset   developed   by   Herve   Schauer
      Consultants to query syslog based logs that are stored
      in a structured format.  The original version of  this
      tool used a format described in a now-expired Internet
      Draft by Abela and Debeaupuis[13].   A  newer  version
      uses  an XML schema developed by this author and based
      on the original ULM format.[14]

   5.6  syslog-ng

      Syslog-ng is another drop-in syslog replacement,  this
      one   developed   by   Balazs   Scheidler  of  BaliBit
      Computing.   Like   nsyslogd,   it   offers   improved
      filtering   and   guaranteed   message   delivery  and

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

      ordering.  However, it goes one step further  by  also
      offering over-the-wire confidentiality through the use
      of TLS, and  message  integrity  through  the  use  of
      digital signatures.[15]

6.  Conclusions

   Although  several  systems have been developed to improve
   upon  the  ubiquitous  syslog  system,  none   adequately
   addresses  all  the  requirements identified here.  It is
   hoped  that   this   excercise   of   identifying   these
   requirements  will  provide  the  designers  of these and
   other logging systems with the input they need to address
   all  these  issues.  In particular, this document and the
   process behind its development are playing  an  important
   role in the development of system logging protocols being
   carried out by the IETF Security Issues in Network  Event
   Logging Working Group.

   In  particular, this process has identified the following
   as areas that need to be addressed:

      o Log   message   format   structures    to    support
        Identification  of  Even Threads, Event Correlation,
        and Event Filters.

      o Security mechanisms to support  log  message  Access
        Control  Labels,  Message  Identification, Selective
        Storage, Message Confidentiality, Message Integrity,
        and System Availability.

7.  References

      [1]  S.  Bradner,  "Key  words  for  use  in  RFCs  to
           Indicate  Requirement  Levels."    The   Internet
           Society.     March    1997.     Available    from
      [2]  CSRG, "Unix  Programmer's  Manual,  4.3  Berkeley
           Software  Distribution,  Virtual VAX-11 Version,"
           Six Volumes and an Index Volume.   University  of
           California Computer Systems Research Group, April
      [3]  Messages on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]  mailing
           list  dated  October,  November and December 1999
           from Alex Brown  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),  Chris
           Calabrese  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),  Chris M.
           Lonvick   ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),    Darren    Reed
           ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),   and    Mark   Roth
           ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  Mailing list archive  available
           from                 www.mail-archive.com/syslog-

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000

      [4]  U.S. Department of Defense,  Assistant  Secretary
           of  Defense for Command, Control, Communications,
           and Intelligence, "Department of Defense  Trusted
           Computer   System   Evaluation   Criteria"   (DoD
           5200.28-STD).   December  1985.   Available  from
      [5]  Private  correspondence  with   Magosanyi   Arpad
           ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), March 2000.
      [6]  Private   correspondence  with  Balazs  Scheidler
           ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), March 2000.
      [7]  Private  correspondence   with   Mark   D.   Roth
           ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), March 2000.
      [8]  Private  correspondence  with  Chris  M.  Lonvick
           ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) relating to an IETF Internet
           Draft   being   written  by  him  on  the  syslog
           protocol, July 2000.
      [9]  B. Schneier and J. Kelsey, "Cryptographic Support
           for  Secure  Logs  on  Untrusted  Machines,"  The
           Seventh USENIX  Security  Symposium  Proceedings,
           USENIX   Press,   January   1998,   pp.    53-62.
           Available    from     www.counterpane.com/secure-
      [10] B.  Schneier and J. Kelsey, "Minimizing Bandwidth
           for Remote Access to Cryptographically  Protected
           Audit Logs," Second International Workshop on the
           Recent  Advances  in  Intrusion  Detection  (RAID
           '99),    September    1999.     Available    from
      [11] Darren   Reed,   Nsyslogd    home    web    page,
      [12] Core-SDI,  README  file  for  the  Secure  Syslog
           package,   1998.    Available   from    www.core-
      [13] J. Abela and T. Debeaupuis, "Universal Format for
           Logger Messages," offered as an  Internet  Draft,
           May 1999.
      [14] Private  correspondance  with  Nicolas Jombart of
           Herve             Schauer             Consultants
           ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), May 2000.
      [15] BaliBit   Computing,  Syslog-ng  home  web  page,

8.  Author's Address

   C. Calabrese
   26 Wellesley Road
   Montclair, NJ, USA 07043
   Phone: (201) 703-7218

Send     comments      regarding      this      memo      to

INTERNET DRAFT   Event Logging Requirements      August 2000


Title: Requirements for a System Event Logging Protocol
Security Issues in Network Event Logging (syslog)
Expires: XXXX XX, 200X
C. Calabrese
August 2000

Requirements for a System Event Logging Protocol

Status of this Memo

This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

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This document presents requirements for sending system event/audit logs over the Internet. In developing these requirements, it considers the need for log management, security, high-performance, and compatibility with existing practice.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Log Reporting Considerations
  3. Security Considerations
  4. Resource Utilization
  5. Existing Practice
  6. Conclusions
  7. References
  8. Author's Addresses

1. Introduction

Computer systems often need to "log" or record information about important events. In many systems, these event logs are recorded locally, in persistent storage within the system where the event occurs. These messages may also be transmitted to a remote system where persistent storage takes place. Reasons for such remote transmission include event logging on systems with no local persistent storage and centralization of log record management.

This memo concerns itself with the requirements for transmitting log messages over an Internet Protocol network, including requirements for log management, event correlation, security, performance, and compatibility with existing practice. This is only a requirements document. The architecture and specifications for the delivery options will be detailed in subsequent RFCs.

2. Log Reporting Considerations

2.1. Introduction and Rational

    The ultimate reason for transmitting log messages over the network is so that these messages can be examined, whether by humans or by computer programs, to find anomolous events, statistics on past performance, indications of future trends, or other information of interest to the examiner. Although the transmission of the messages itself is not directly related to this examination, the systems related to transmission should aid the process of examination to the largest extent practical.

2.2. Identification of Event Threads

2.3. Event Correlation

    In addition to identifying event messages within the same incident thread from the same source, it is also desirable to correlate messages regarding the same incident from multiple sources. This implies a standard mechanism for identifying incidents based on various criteria such as the time the event occurred, IP addresses of network entities involved, etc.

2.4. Event Filters

3. Security Considerations

3.1. Introduction and Rational

    According to the Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria[TSEC], the fundamental requirements for computer security are:

    1. An explicit and well-defined security policy enforced by the system.
    2. Access control labels associated with objects.
    3. Identification of individual subjects.
    4. Selective storage and protection of audit records so that actions affecting security can be traced to the responsible party.
    5. Assurance that the computer system enforces security requirements.
    6. Trusted mechanisms that enforce these basic requirements that are continuously protected against tampering and/or unauthorized changes.

    In the case of system event logs, the logs themselves may contain the aforementioned audit records.

3.2. Implications

3.3. Protocol Level for Cryptographic Functions

    One open issue from the above discussion is whether cryptographic functions for identification signatures and confidentiality should be performed at the network transport layer or at higher-level application-specific protocols.

    Performing these functions at the network transport layer allows the use of standard transport layer security mechanisms (TLS, IPsec), making implementation easier and possibly leading to higher performance due to hardware assist for standard mechanisms, smaller memory footprint on devices already supporting such mechanisms, etc. It also allows filtering of garbage messages at a lower level, making denial of service attacks more difficult.

    On the other hand, having identification signatures operate at the network transport level means rejecting all unsigned or improperly signed messages since signing information will be lost to the higher protocol layers. Since not all devices generating log messages will have sufficient computing abilities to sign all messages and not all messages will contain information requiring signature, can be problematic. Furthermore, signing and encrypting individual messages facilitates being able to show the confidentiality and integrity of messages without needing to show full chain-of-custody or prove that all links in the chain were appropriately trusted.

    Therefore, network logging systems should allow cryptographic identification functions to be performed both at the network transport layer and also at higher layers. Cryptographic confidentiality functions, on the other hand, are likely to be more appropriate at the network transport level.

4. Resource Utilization Considerations

From a logging protocol standpoint, the following resources may be considered:

  1. CPU/memory utilization on the sending system to marshal internal log messages into the on-the-wire protocol, including any encryption, siging, and/or compression.
  2. On-the-wire bandwidth utilization, including amenability for the protocol to be compressed by hardware compressors.
  3. CPU/memory utilization on the receiving system decompress, filter, verify the integrity of, and/or store incoming messages.

Most of these considerations argue for a simple text based protocol that is easy to marshal and compress where application-level compression, encryption, and signatures are a configurable option. However, the need to filter messages argues for a more structured protocol to make filtering easier. Futhermore, there may be interactions between the encryption mechanism and the ability to compress the message stream.

5. Existing Practice

5.1. Existing syslog

5.2. Schneier and Kelsey

5.3. Nsyslogd

    Nsyslogd is a drop-in syslog replacement developed by Darren Reed of The Australian National University that sports improved filtering based on regular expressions and guaranteed message delivery and ordering through the uses of TCP as a transport mechanism.[Reed]

5.4. Secure Syslog

    Secure Syslog is another drop-in syslog replacement, this one developed by Core-SDI. It offers message integrity and confidentiality guarantees through the use of Core-SDI's PEO-1 cryptographic protocol.[Core-SDI]< /A>

5.5. ULM

5.6. syslog-ng

    Syslog-ng is another drop-in syslog replacement, this one developed by Balazs Scheidler of BaliBit Computing. Like nsyslogd, it offers improved filtering and guaranteed message delivery and ordering. However, it goes one step further by also offering over-the-wire confidentiality through the use of TLS, and message integrity through the use of digital signatures.[BalaBit]< /A>

6. Conclusions

Although several systems have been developed to improve upon the ubiquitous syslog system, none adequately addresses all the requirements identified here. It is hoped that this excercise of identifying these requirements will provide the designers of these and other logging systems with the input they need to address all these issues. In particular, this document and the process behind its development are playing an important role in the development of system logging protocols being carried out by the IETF Security Issues in Network Event Logging Working Group.

In particular, this process has identified the following as areas that need to be addressed:

  • Log message format structures to support Identification of Even Threads, Event Correlation, and Event Filters.
  • Security mechanisms to support log message Access Control Labels, Message Identification, Selective Storage, Message Confidentiality, Message Integrity, and System Availability.

7. References

S. Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels." The Internet Society. March 1997. Available from ftp.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt.
CSRG, "Unix Programmer's Manual, 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution, Virtual VAX-11 Version," Six Volumes and an Index Volume. University of California Computer Systems Research Group, April 1986.
Messages on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list dated October, November and December 1999 from Alex Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]< /A>), Chris Calabrese (chris_calabrese @yahoo.com), Chris M. Lonvick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Darren Reed ([EMAIL PROTECTED] .id.au), and Mark Roth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Mailing list archive available from www.mail- archive.com/syslog-sec%40employees.org.
U.S. Department of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence, "Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria" (DoD 5200.28-STD). December 1985. Available from www.radium.ncsc.mil/tpep/library/rainbow/5200.28-STD.html.
Private correspondence with Magosanyi Arpad ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), March 2000.
Private correspondence with Balazs Scheidler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), March 2000.
Private correspondence with Mark D. Roth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), March 2000.
Private correspondence with Chris M. Lonvick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) relating to an IETF Internet Draft being written by him on the syslog protocol, July 2000.
B. Schneier and J. Kelsey, "Cryptographic Support for Secure Logs on Untrusted Machines," The Seventh USENIX Security Symposium Proceedings, USENIX Press, January 1998, pp. 53-62. Available from www.counterpane.com/s ecure-logs.html.
B. Schneier and J. Kelsey, "Minimizing Bandwidth for Remote Access to Cryptographically Protected Audit Logs," Second International Workshop on the Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID '99), September 1999. Available from www.counterpane.com/aud itlog2.html.
Darren Reed, Nsyslogd home web page, coombs.anu.edu.au/~ avalon/nsyslog.html.
Core-SDI, README file for the Secure Syslog package, 1998. Available from www.core-sdi.com/english/slogging/ssyslog-dl.html.
J. Abela and T. Debeaupuis, "Universal Format for Logger Messages," offered as an Internet Draft, May 1999.
Private correspondance with Nicolas Jombart of Herve Schauer Consultants ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), May 2000.
BaliBit Computing, Syslog-ng home web page, www.balabit.hu/products /syslog-ng.

8. Author's Address

C. Calabrese
26 Wellesley Road
Montclair, NJ, USA 07043
Phone: (201) 703-7218

Send comments regarding this memo to chris_calabrese@yahoo. com.

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