Me wrote:

> I have compiled a list of functional requirements which might have to be
> addressed in the RFC. 

Just forgot to include the list;
[I have included everything which I think _might_ has to be addressed.  YMMV]

FAU (Security audit)
        FAU_ARP (automatic response)
        FAU_GEN (generation)
        FAU_SAA (analysis)
        FAU_SAR (review)
        FAU_SEL (selection)
        FAU_STG (storage)
FCS (Cryptographic support)
        FCS_COP (operation)

FDP (User data protection)
        FDP_ACC (Access control policy)
        FDP_ACF (Access control functions)
        FDP_DAU (Data authentication)
        FDP_ETC (Export to outside TSF control)
        FDP_IFC (Information flow control policy)
        FDP_IFF (Information flow control functions)
        FDP_ITC (Import from outside TSF control)
        FDP_ITT (Internal TOE transfer)
        FDP_RIP (Residual information protection)
        FDP_ROL (Rollback)
        FDP_SDI (Stored data integrity)
        FDP_UCT (Inter-TSF user data confidentality transfer protection)
        FDP_UIT (Inter-TSF user data integrity transfer protection)

FPT (Protection of the TSF)
        FPT_FLS (Fail secure)
        FPT_ITA (Availability of exported TSF data)
        FPT_ITC (Confidentality of exported TSF data)
        FPT_ITT (Internal TOE transfer)
        FPT_RCV (Trusted recovery)
        FPT_RPL (Replay detection)
        FPT_SSP (State synchrony protocol)
        FPT_STM (Time stamps)
        FPT_TDC (Inter-TSF data consistency)
FRU (Resource utilisation)
        FRU_FLT (Fault tolerance)
        FRU_PRS (Priority of service)
        FRU_RSA (Resource allocation)

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