

On Windows, long-lived services, ala daemons on unix, are typically
implemented as OS services. Not everybody does it this way, but I think
a syslog exporter is likely to be handled this way.


Since SNMPv3 has already been brought into the discussion, let me say
that SNMPv3 applications can work with a daemon/os-service approach
where multiple applications utilize a shared daemon so there is only one
"engine" on a host, or it can work with each application being uniquely
identified (see SNMPv3 engineID). It could also work with multiple
uniquely identified daemons if that is desired. Those are
implementation/deployment decisions.

SNMPv3 uses shared key authentication, so if multiple applications run
as unique entities, their key databases need to be updated independently
of other applications; if a daemon is used, it is possible to have one
key database that works for all the applications, making key
distribution a bit easier. Of course, if multiple apps need to share a
daemon, then there is the increased complexity of app synchronization of
data, developing an API to the daemon, and API versioning must be
handled, and so on.


I think that to ensure replay protection, an SNMPv3 command line
application should consider each restart as a reboot, and for those with
daemon-style implementations, each restart of the daemon should probably
be considered a reboot.

I would recommend discussing this further with implementors of command
line applications, such as those who work on the Net-SNMP distribution,
or those who work on the SNMP Research products.

David Harrington
co-chair, IETF SNMPv3 WG

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rainer Gerhards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 6:40 AM
> To: Albert Mietus
> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Andrew Ross
> Subject: RE: Reboot counter
> First things first: I am convinced now that there is no
> problem with the
> reboot session id. I probably should have sone some quick math in the
> first place.
> But still some comments...
> >  > think about a tool like logger. As of my understanding, each
> >  > command-line invocation would create a new "reboot session".
> >
> >
> > Rainer, I think your example isn't typical.
> I agree. But it is a real one ;)
> >
> > On most system, there is one "global" sender (syslogd on
> unix), which
> > run's very long. Usually as long the system is up. It has
> the counter.
> > This sender get's it data from several sourcer (Applications using
> > "syslog() call in libC; again a unix example). So "booting" an
> > application, --read: you command line tool-- has no effect on the
> > reboot counter.
> Agreed - but we do not life in an *nix only world. I am not sure if
> homogenious systems would be better accepted if the only OS would be
> *nix, but as of now we do have some others out. Look, we
> (mainly, I can
> say nowadays;)) implement on Windows. There is no such central sender.
> We need to "boot" each application...
> >
> > See below, for details of your example...
> > But first, on "the central syslogd"; the RFC doesn't demand it, but
> > assumes the is only 1 sender on each system. E.g. the
> "private key" is
> > shared by all signatures, so by all "sources". Hard to do when all
> > applications are senders itself.
> If that is the case, we indeed have an issue here. Not a big
> issue if a
> single vendor's products run on the non-*nix box. But what if e.g.
> Adiscon's EventReporter runs on the same system Kiwi's
> syslogd runs... I
> think there are ways to work this out, but I also think -sign can be
> implemented to work around this. I think we do not absolutely
> have only
> one private key for the system.
> I am NOT arguing to change anything in -sign (at least yet). I am just
> picking up the thought...
> >
> > Back to your example.
> > Even when quickly "rebooting" (read: increasing the reboot session
> > counter fast), this should not be a problem. nine 9's is very big!
> > My code uses the current-time, during initialisation, in
> seconds after
> > 2002 (syslog-sign didn't existed before) and divide by 2.
> >
> > This will result in a reboot-session, that will wrap in the year
> > 2600 (or about). And which can be started each 2 seconds.
> >
> > You can find my code on SF.net, or see below for a C-code fragment:
> >
> > --------
> > GLOBAL int rebootSessionID = 0;
> >
> > int reboot_session_id(void)
> > {
> >   if (rebootSessionID != 0) {
> >     if (gettimeofday(&now) != 0)
> >       rebootSessionID = 1      // it has to have a value
> >     else
> >       rebootSessionID= (now.tv_sec- ( (2002-1700) * 365 *
> 3600) ) /  2
> >   }
> >   return rebootSessionID;
> > }
> > ------
> ... this is where I should have done some "advanced math" ;) OK, I am
> guilty...
> > For a standalone commandline tool, you probably need more a bit more
> > resolution. E.g. skip the "divide by 2".  Most important is
> that value
> > is unique for that session, for that invocation of that commandline
> > tool. If that means it will wrap in "only a few years", let it
> > be. It's not typical to have short rebootsessions. It means
> verifying
> > the log, is hard to do anyhow !! Then is easy for delete
> all log of a
> > reboot session (for a hacker). That can't be verified.
> That is in fact an excellent point. So for my (unusual) command line
> tool, I may be better of to use the day as reboot session id
> and keep it
> the same during all of the day. Of course, I could miss an
> actual system
> reboot, but I think that mapping would work fine for this bizzare
> example. So I finally got my issue better solved than I asked for :)
> Thanks,
> Rainer

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