Hi Folks,

I trust that everyone has had a good rest and is ready to get things going
again for the new year.  :-)

I'd like to keep us focused on syslog-protocol for the moment.


Rainer has proposed adding "metadata" as a field in the protocol (formerly
called "cookies") for specific information to be included in the syslog
packet.  There has been some discussion about this:


with many follow-up responses.

It looks like the consensus is

- the idea may be a good one.
- the format may need some tweaking.
- saying that it "looks" like XML is a bad thing.

I'm going to ask Rainer to add this idea into the syslog-protocol ID at
this time with inputs from the Working Group.  I'd like for this
discussion to continue on the mailing list as well.  Hopefully we can
resolve things on the mailing list.  I'm also going to call for a meeting
in Seoul to give us a deadline for this discussion.  It looks like
syslog-protocol is fairly well finished with the exception of this item
and the TAG issue raised by Albert.  I'd like to have everything resolved
on this just after Seoul (or sooner if we can do it on the mailing list)
so we can put this into WG Last Call rsn and get it to the IESG.


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