>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Petch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Tom> The logical conclusion of your approach is that what we need
    Tom> is encryption, encryption and encryption, and oh, we could
    Tom> throw in a little MAC here and there.  I think this makes it
    Tom> too complex, too costly with the result that the security
    Tom> that is needed, and could be provided more simply, will not
    Tom> happen.

I will say that encryption and macs are very easy to do and I think
you'd need to show a strong argument that they will not perform well
before performance concerns can be taken seriously.

The question  I really need answers to is:

* Does the WG believe that Authentication of the origin of the message is a 
requirement for the mandatory to implement approach?

* Does the WG believe that integrity protection independent of transport is a 
requirement for the mandatory to implement?

I want these questions answered independent of particular choices
about implementation complexity.  

Ultimately this comes down to Chris judging the consensus of the WG
based on the discussion here.


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