moin moin..

I am not really a distributor but I like the idea..

Currently we are using a small tool which starts/stops services based on the hostname, e.g. on host 'www' start apache and on host 'mail' start postfix.. So services are not enabled by default but just started on demand.. The tool decides on the fly which services should be started on this host.. this tool is currently based on sysv init scripts and not yet adopted to systemd..

Explaining this i just want to point to another use case for this feature.. since setting up a presets for a specific use case sounds easier than encoding it in

but i have some questions about those presets..

On 05.07.2011 21:21, Lennart Poettering wrote:
More specifically this is how it should work: We'd have a directory
/lib/systemd/system.preset/. By default it would be empty (or not even
exist), which for simplicity reasons would mean "enable everything
installed" (i.e. the Debian policy). Then, if distros or spins want to
change what is enabled by default, they'd drop in a file (or multiple,
which might be useful for a desktop spin and a graphical design spin
where the latter is a superset of the former) in that
directory. The file would be a trivial text file with lines like this:

disable avahi-daemon.service
enable cups.service
disable *

Are all of the files dropped into the system.preset/ directory loaded in alphabetic order and then merged? (like udev/rules.d ?)

Will unit files that lack an [Install] section will be skipped when defining 'disable *'? (e.g. all systemd default units etc.)

If "systemctl preset" is passed with unit names, those units would
be enable/disabled as listed in the preset file. If no argument is
passed all units would be reset to the preset defaults. (another
long-sought feature...)

Am I right that invoking 'systemctl preset' will enable all currently disabled services if i do not write a preset file? wouldn't it be better to just enable/disable services that are explicitly listed in the preset files if no argument is passed?

The Distributor/Admin could easily change this to "enable-by-default" by adding "enable *".

So I can't break my current setup by accidentally invoking 'systemctl preset' on purpose 8)

('systemctl preset <unit>' should still enable <unit> even if no preset is defined at all)

bye marius..

Dipl.-Inf. Marius Tolzmann <>
MPI f. molekulare Genetik         |
Ihnestrasse 63-73, D-14195 Berlin |   ==> MarIuX GNU/Linux <==
Phone: +49 (0)30 8413 1709        |
God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things.
Right now I am so far behind..
   ..I will never die.         <by calvin from calvin&hobbes ;)>
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