Am 10.10.2012 11:48, schrieb Marti Raudsepp:
> Why not just collect all the relevant mount points on one line, for
> each disk? This way we don't throw away any information, but prevent
> repeating redundant information that's always the same for each disk.
> Using the original example this would look something like:
> Filesystem     Size  Used Avail  Use% Mounted on
> /dev/md2       3.5T  2.1T  1.3T   62% /mnt/data, /home, /tmp,
> /var/tmp, /Volumes/dune/www-servers,
> /Volumes/dune/www-servers/phpincludes
> And maybe for console output, the mount point column should be split
> on multiple lines based on terminal width (disabled for non-tty output
> for greppability)...
> Filesystem     Size  Used Avail  Use% Mounted on
> /dev/md2       3.5T  2.1T  1.3T   62% /mnt/data, /home, /tmp, /var/tmp,
>                                       /Volumes/dune/www-servers,
>                                       /Volumes/dune/www-servers/phpincludes

can you imagine how this looks like on a machine with
some hundret bind-mounts because sftp-chroot is used
to replace ftp at all?

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