2013/1/3 Lennart Poettering <lenn...@poettering.net>:
> ...
> Just changing the generator to output alternate .mount units if a clash
> happens won't solve your issue btw, because the mount path will still
> have to be in sync with the mount unit name. And since you cannot have
> two files with the same name in a directory you can't have two units for
> the same mount point either...
> So, before we spend time on implementing this, we really should figure
> out if this is a desirable feature, or if there are better ways to solve
> this usecase. I guess the first question needs to be: what's the usecase
> anyway? if we know that, maybe we can find a nicer way?

I think one of the only usecase for this kind of overmounting is to bind mount
a subdir of  a mountpoint on top of that mountpoint: (as in Johns original post)
mount /dev/somedev /images
mount --bind /images/1354 /images

so it might be a solution to add a BindSubdir= option to the unit file
like this:

So that multiple mount units for the same mount point are not needed.
I think this is a quiet clean solution, but anyhow just my 2c.

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