Am 05.04.2014 23:22, schrieb Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek:
> The whole issue started with bug #76935: the original reporter was
> seemingly unaware of available kernel commandline options, and his
> comments fairly quickly degenerated to rude personal attacks. It's
> something that one sees quite often: a complaint, a reply how
> requested goals can be achieved and why things are implemented the way
> they are, followed by demands of having it "my way", followed by a fit
> and swearing. Then come "Anonymous Helpers". I really don't see why we
> should deal with this shit and waste time on people who evidently want
> to vent their frustration rather than solve a bug.

cause and effect, the rude attacks maybe because ignorance
and frustration about the "we are always right" attitude

what makes sense *to you* is not the only relevant thing!

i guess Kay will now remove me from that list because as affected user i have
to shut up in general but that does not change anything in casue and effect
and that there are enough people with zero understanding for ""I really don't
see why we should deal with this shit" which is your userbase - if you are
not interested in users you should make a private project but not the first
most imporant piece after the kernel because that brings *responsibility*

no other software than systemd logs that much to *bury*
any for a non-systemd-developer relevant infos even under
normal operations
Linus words "I personally find it annoying that it's always
the same f*cking primadonna involved" are hardly because
*that one* thing and should lead to consider things are
handeled wrong instead continue with "I really don't see why we
should deal with this shit"

the following parapgraph talks also about a general attitude
that anybody with critism is treated as enemy all the time
and everything left and right of systemd is broken in general
and has to be fixed because it stands in the way of systemd

>> It does become a problem when you have a system service developer who
>> thinks the universe revolves around him, and nobody else matters, and
>> people sending him bug-reports are annoyances that should be ignored
>> rather than acknowledged and fixed. At that point, it's a problem.

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